Grants and Loans

We offer a number of grant and loan programs that support integrated watershed management activities addressing environmental stewardship, water supply reliability, flood risk, groundwater sustainability, drought, and more. Public agencies are eligible for most of our grant and loan programs, but other applicants may also be eligible, depending upon the program.  Visit the Grants Best Practices and Tips for Success page for information and resources that can help you better succeed in the grant process. Our latest grant program announcements are found below, followed by additional grant program details.  

Open Solicitations

These programs are accepting applications for funding. 

  • Riverine Stewardship Program: This Program offers $15 Million in funding to plan and implement projects that will reduce flooding, improve water quality, and restore streams, creeks, and rivers to enhance the environment for fish, wildlife, and people. The funding will be delivered through the Riverine Stewardship Program and its two subprograms: the Urban Streams Restoration Program (USRP) and the San Joaquin Fish Population Enhancement Program. To apply for grants through these programs project proponents must submit a concept proposal and submit a full application if invited to do so by the RSP team. Funding is available on a first come, first serve basis until all funds have been expended. 

Grants and Loans

We offer a number of grant and loan programs that support integrated water management activities addressing environmental stewardship, water supply reliability, public safety, and economic stability. Public agencies are eligible for most of our grant and loan programs, but other applicants may also be eligible, depending upon the program. Our latest grant program announcements are found below, followed by additional grant program details. 

Alphabetical List of Grant Programs


CA Grants Portal


The California Grants Portal – your one destination to find all state grant and loan opportunities provided on a first-come or competitive basis. Visit to find funding opportunities for you and your community.

View DWR's Forecasted Grants

View DWR's Active Grants

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