Karla Nemeth, Director

Department of Water Resources
Karla Nemeth was appointed Director of the California Department of Water Resources by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. on January 10, 2018 and was reappointed by Governor Gavin Newsom on June 28, 2019.
DWR operates and maintains the California State Water Project, manages floodwaters, monitors dam safety, conducts habitat restoration, and provides technical assistance and funding for projects for local water needs. Nemeth will oversee the Department and its mission to manage and protect California’s water resources, working with other agencies in order to benefit the State’s people and to protect, restore and enhance the natural and human environments.
Nemeth worked at the California Natural Resources Agency as Governor Brown’s deputy secretary and senior advisor for water policy since 2014. She was Bay Delta Conservation Plan project manager from 2009 to 2014.
Nemeth was environmental and public affairs director for the Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District from 2005 to 2009. She was community affairs manager at Jones and Stokes from 2003 to 2005.
She has a Master’s degree in public administration from the University of Washington.
Contact Information
Mailing Address:
California Department of Water Resources
P.O. Box 942836
Sacramento, CA 94236-0001
Street Address:
715 P Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Lea J. Garrison, Administrative Assistant
Telephone: (916) 653-7007
E-Mail Address: lea.garrison@water.ca.gov