Assistance and Engagement

Logo for the ten year anniversary of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).
The foundation of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) is that groundwater is best managed at the local level, and the State's primary role is to provide guidance and support. DWR is committed to providing this guidance and support as groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) and interested parties work together to implement SGMA and work toward achieving groundwater sustainability goals.
Regional Coordinators along with staff from DWR’s four regional offices serve as primary Points of Contact (POCs) for the high- and medium- priority groundwater basins. Regional Coordinators and staff in these four regions can provide information and help GSAs and interested parties connect with DWR and locate resources, including guidance on communication and engagement and assistance services such as technical support, facilitation support, written translation, and financial assistance.
Regional Office Points of Contact
Successful implementation of SGMA is built on a foundation of mutual understanding and proactive communication and engagement activities. DWR’s proactive efforts to support local agencies and communities include periodic informational events, guidance and resource documents, and templates that assist GSAs and interested parties as they work towards managing groundwater to reach sustainability.
California Water Management and Progress Since the Signing of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act webinar
DWR celebrated the upcoming 10th Anniversary of SGMA with a kick-off to Groundwater Awareness Week 2024. DWR’s Director, Karla Nemeth and Sustainable Water Management Office Deputy Director, Paul Gosselin, were joined by the State Water Resources Control Board’s Chair, Joaquin Esquivel to discuss the progress made over the first 10 years of SGMA.
A video recording and the presentation slides are available. Spanish captions are available when you play the video in a separate window by clicking settings, captions, and selecting Spanish.
Groundwater Sustainability Plan Reporting Process and Requirements webinar
DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Office staff presented on the groundwater sustainability plan reporting process, annual reporting process, and the expectations for how these various documents, required by SGMA regulations, are submitted by GSAs to DWR. Staff also provided information on the periodic update guidance document released in the fall of 2023, as well as other regulatory reporting process items.
A video recording and the presentation slides are available. Spanish captions are available when you play the video in a separate window by clicking settings, captions, and selecting Spanish.
Planning for the Future: Data, Tools, and Models webinar
DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Office staff presented on DWR’s data and modeling tools that are available to support GSAs as they plan their groundwater management implementation efforts, as well as how State and local agencies are improving the collective understanding of California’s groundwater basins and conditions through the collection of new data and enhancements of groundwater monitoring and modeling.
A video recording and the presentation slides are available. Spanish captions are available when you play the video in a separate window by clicking settings, captions, and selecting Spanish.
Resources for SGMA Implementation October 2021 webinar
The California Department of Water Resources provides assistance to locals for implementing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). The following video highlights resources and available assistance.
Joint DWR-State Water Board General SGMA Webinar on Groundwater Sustainability Planning
On February 18, 2021, DWR and the State Water Resources Control Board hosted a General SGMA Webinar on groundwater sustainability planning. This webinar included an update on how the State is moving forward with Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) evaluations, the timeline and approach to releasing assessments for GSPs submitted to DWR by January 31, 2020, and an overview of state assistance to support locals moving forward with SGMA implementation.
A video recording and the presentation slides are available.
SGMA Workshop
In January 2020, DWR and the State Water Resources Control Board hosted workshops in Paso Robles and Clovis for Groundwater Sustainability Agencies submitting Groundwater Sustainability Plans for DWR evaluation. The purpose of these workshops was to discuss:
- GSP evaluation and assessment process.
- DWR and SWRCB interaction during GSP evaluation.
- Annual reporting requirements and process.
- DWR and SWRCB assistance programs that will support GSP implementation and future GSP updates.
A video recording, DWR's presentation slides, and SWRCB's presentation slides are available.
DWR hosts biannual Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) Forums for GSA members and representatives. These forums are a platform for local agencies to come together to engage and exchange ideas on topics related to GSP implementation, highlight various GSA efforts, foster professional networks, and provide an opportunity for DWR staff to identify high-priority GSA needs. For questions or more information on this platform, email
Upcoming: Next GSA Forum
DWR will share the details and the registration link for the next GSA Forum as soon as the information is available.
Previous GSA Forums
Spring 2024 GSA Forum May 23, 2024 |
The event was held virtually and focused on the theme “Applications of State Assistance: Leveraging Statewide Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Data at the Basin Level to Inform Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Implementation.” An agenda, a resources sheet, and a recording of the forum are available. |
Fall 2023 GSA Forum November 9, 2023 |
The event was held virtually and had the theme "Well Management Approaches: from Enhancing Local Understanding to Leveraging Local Coordination." An agenda, a resources sheet, and a recording of the forum are available. |
Spring 2023 GSA Forum April 19, 2023 |
The event was held virtually and had the theme "Spotlighting Project and Management Actions and Progress Towards Sustainability." An agenda and a recording of the forum are available. |
Fall 2022 GSA Forum November 9, 2022 |
The event was held virtually and had the theme "Funding GSP Implementation." An agenda and a recording of the forum are available. |
2019 GSA Forum March 21, 2019 |
The event was held in-person, and focused on communication, coordination, engagement and outreach. For a link to a video of the event, please email |
This set of guides and resources are provided to assist local SGMA implementation efforts. The resources here can be tailored to specific needs and audiences. While these resources may not be applicable to all GSAs, they are examples of effective ways to engage audiences and communicate complex information. Resources provided here will be periodically updated and added to over time.
Guides and Resources
- Guidance Document for Groundwater Sustainability Plan - Stakeholder Communication and Engagement
- Documento Guia para el GSP - Comunicacion y Participacion de los Interesados (Español)
- Communication & Engagement Plan Outline
- Stakeholder Engagement Chart for Identifying GSP Audiences
- "Lay of the Land" Exercise Template
- Inclusive Public Engagement by Institute for Local Government
- Open & Public V – A Guide to the Ralph M. Brown Act by League of California Cities
- Collaborating for Success: Stakeholder Engagement for SGMA Implementation by Community Water Center
- Guidance on Engaging and Communicating with Underrepresented Groundwater Users
- Guidance Document for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater - Engagement with Tribal Governments
- Tips and Tactics for Online Meetings
- SGMA Communications: Media Relations and Social Media
- Basin Profile Template
- GSA Training Slides by Department of Conservation – Engaging (or Re-engaging) to Enhance Local Relationships, and Challenging Situations – Tools for Navigating Difficult Dialogue from Groundwater Awareness Week 2024
Public Awareness Library
- SGMA Overview Brochure
- Groundwater: California’s Vital Resource - Video available in English, Spanish, Punjabi, Hmong
- Groundwater: Understanding and Managing this Vital Resource – Interactive Story Map to help expand public awareness
- Domestic Well Users brochure in English and Spanish. For a copy the brochures, please email
Please contact to receive these following documents via email.
Envie un correo electronico a para una copia de estos documentos.
DWR's Office of the Tribal Policy Advisor, in conjunction with DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Program, formed the SGMA Tribal Advisory Group (SGMA TAG) in 2015. This advisory group was established to bring DWR and California Native American Tribal governments and Tribal communities together to collaborate on outreach and engagement efforts associated with the implementation of SGMA. Members of the SGMA TAG have assisted DWR in developing guidance documents, planning outreach events, and providing local updates on SGMA implementation across the state.
SGMA TAG Meetings
SGMA TAG meetings have been hosted by DWR specifically for Tribal Government Leaders, Tribal Representatives, and other Tribal Environmental and Cultural Resources Staff. If you have questions about participating in DWR's Tribal Advisory Group or other Tribal engagement efforts with DWR, please contact DWR’s Tribal Policy Advisor, Anecita Agustinez, at: or
Past Meetings and Materials
Past meeting materials are included below:
November 1, 2023 Meeting Materials:
Tribal Water Summit: April 11-13 (no separate SGMA TAG meeting for Quarter 2)
July 26, 2023 Meeting Materials:
March 17, 2023 Meeting Materials:
2023 SGMA TAG Save the Date Flyer
November 10, 2022 Meeting Materials:
- November 2022 SGMA TAG Agenda and Background Attachments
- November 2022 SGMA TAG Save the Date Flyer
- November 2022 SGMA TAG Presentations
August 4, 2022 Meeting Materials:
- August 2022 SGMA TAG Save the Date Flyer
- August 2022 SGMA TAG Agenda and Background Attachments
- August 2022 SGMA TAG Presentations
May 5, 2022 Meeting Materials:
- May 2022 SGMA TAG Save the Date Flyer
- May 2022 SGMA TAG Agenda and Attachments
- May 2022 SGMA TAG Presentations
February 3, 2022 Meeting Materials:
- Feb 2022 SGMA TAG Save the Date Flyer
- Feb 2022 SGMA TAG Agenda and Attachments
- Feb 2022 SGMA TAG Presentations
July 27, 2021 Meeting Materials:
How to Find Your Groundwater Basin and Point of Contact
Regional Coordinators along with staff from DWR's four regional offices serve as primary Points of Contact (POCs) for the high- and medium- priority groundwater basins and can connect Tribes with DWR and locate resources. DWR's POCs can be found, by region, at the top of this page. Additionally, the SGMA Data Viewer provides access to groundwater-related datasets and can assist Tribes in finding the groundwater basin they reside within.
Documents and Resources
The documents and resources linked below are provided for SGMA TAG members and interested parties who are implementing SGMA:
- Guidance Document for the Sustainable Management of Groundwater: Engagement with Tribal Governments
- Definition of Tribal Law
- Tribal Lands Primer
- Tribal Engagement with Groundwater Sustainability Agency Discussion Questions
- Sample Interested Party Letter
- DWR Tribal Engagement
- DWR Tribal Engagement Policy
- Governor's Office of the Tribal Advisor
- Natural Resources Agency Tribal Consultation Policy
Our Technical Support Services (TSS) supports Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) as they develop and implement their Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs). TSS’s goal is to provide education, data, and tools to GSAs at both regional and statewide scales to build the capacity needed to achieve sustainability. TSS is available to GSAs through our Region Offices or contractors pending funding availability. Critically overdrafted basins have initial priority for this funding.
Technical Support Services Offered:
Field Activities
- Monitoring Well Installation
- Geophysical Logging
- Geologic Logging
- Groundwater Level Monitoring Training
- Borehole Video Logging
- Other Field Activities
Modeling and Mapping
- Modeling Training and Support (pending DWR updated model release)
Who is Eligible?
GSAs developing and implementing GSPs are eligible to apply for this service if they meet all of the following obligations:
- Agree to share any data generated from the technical support service(s) with DWR and the public.
- Comply with all applicable laws related to the technical support service(s).
- Agree to work in an open, inclusive, and collaborative manner toward the development and implementation of a GSP, including appointing a coordinator for the basin to represent all GSAs within the basin or subbasin, resolve disputes, and speak as one voice to DWR (not required to be the “Point-of-Contact” for Coordination Agreements as used in 23 CCR §357.4 (b) (1) of the GSP Emergency Regulations, or the “Plan manager” as used in 23 CCR §351 (z), 353.4 (b), and §354.6 (c)).
- Agree to complete GSA’s volunteered responsibilities related to requested technical support service(s) within the defined timeframe.
- Support DWR staff or contractors that are providing technical support service(s)
How to Apply:
Applications for TSS will be evaluated on a continuous basis as funding allows. The application process is two-part - a General Application and Individual Service Requests - and must be submitted through an online application system made available to the applicant following consultation with their local DWR Region Office. PDF and Microsoft Word copies of the General Application and Service Requests are provided as a resource to help applicants prepare for applying.
For more information or help starting a TSS application, contact DWR’s Region Coordinators at
Facilitation Support Services (FSS) help local agencies work through challenging water management situations. Under SGMA, groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) shall encourage the active involvement of diverse social, cultural, and economic interests and consider all beneficial uses and users of groundwater when developing and implementing groundwater sustainability plans (GSPs). Sometimes GSAs need the help of professional facilitators to foster discussions among diverse water management interests and local agencies.

Services Offered through DWR-funded Professional Facilitators:
- Stakeholder assessments
- Governance development
- Stakeholder communication and engagement planning and support
- Public outreach
- Targeted outreach to underrepresented groundwater users
- Tribal government outreach and engagement
- Identification and engagement of interested parties
- Meeting facilitation
- Intra-basin and inter-basin coordination support
- Interest-based negotiation/consensus building
Who is Eligible?
GSAs developing or implementing GSPs, other groups coordinating with the GSAs in developing and implementing GSPs, and agencies implementing approved Alternatives to GSPs are eligible to apply for this service. Entities that previously received FSS may reapply for additional support. Entities that request these services must meet all of the following obligations:
- Agree to work in an open, inclusive, and collaborative manner to implement SGMA.
- Support an inclusive process that seeks, promotes, encourages, and welcomes the involvement of all interested parties.
- Commit to meet regularly and work diligently toward a clear and defined goal.
- Commit to providing a meeting space that is suitably located and sized.
Applications for FSS will be evaluated on a continuous basis as funding allows.
For more information or help starting an application, contact DWR’s Regional Coordinators at
Under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) are tasked with encouraging the active involvement of all beneficial uses and users of groundwater during sustainability planning and implementation efforts in their respective basins.
DWR’s Written Translation Services was developed to encourage engagement with community members who have Limited-English-Proficiency. Providing written translation services can assist GSAs to better engage communities, incorporate feedback, and capture more collective views from their basin for successful implementation of SGMA.
GSAs, or other groups, may submit written notices, letters, forms, presentations, fact sheets, pamphlets, leaflets, and brochures to DWR for translation into one or more of the following languages:
- Chinese
- Hmong
- Korean
- Laotian
- Punjabi
- Spanish
- Tagalog
- Vietnamese
- Other (please specify in notes section of application)
If your basin/subbasin could benefit from a language not identified above, please submit the application and the program contact will reach out regarding the request.
Service Limitations:
- Currently, requests are limited to 15,000 words per attachment. DWR may change the word count limitation as needed, based on remaining contract capacity.
- Eligible groundwater basins/subbasins are those required to prepare a GSP per CWC §10720.7.
- The written translation will be provided to the applicant electronically. Graphic design and formatting are not provided by DWR's Written Translation Services. Content spacing and formatting may be affected through the translation process and should be checked prior to finalization by the applicant.
- Requests will take a few weeks to fulfill; additional time will be needed if the service provider requires additional information.
- DWR does not review, take responsibility for, or endorse the content submitted for written translation.
- Although DWR’s service provider will take care to provide appropriate and meaningful translation; accuracy is not guaranteed.
How to Apply:
- DWR receives requests for written translation using an online application form.
- Documents for translation must be uploaded as either Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint files.
- A PDF of the final document should be uploaded to serve as a primary copy.
Requests will be evaluated and fulfilled as received, on a continuous basis, as contract capacity allows.
For more information or help starting an application, contact DWR’s Region Office Coordinators at

Under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) are tasked with encouraging the active involvement of all beneficial uses and users of groundwater during groundwater sustainability implementation efforts in their respective basins.
The Verbal Interpretation Services Program was developed to make engagement equally accessible to all community members by offering GSAs and local entities simultaneous interpretation services at GSA and other local SGMA related events. Providing verbal interpretive services can assist GSAs to better engage their communities, to incorporate feedback, and capture more collective views from their basin for successful implementation of SGMA.
GSAs can request interpretation support for upcoming meetings and engagement events, whether in-person, virtual, or hybrid in one or more of the following languages:
- American Sign Language (ASL)
- Chinese
- Hmong
- Korean
- Laotian
- Punjabi
- Spanish
- Tagalog
- Vietnamese
- Other (please specify in notes section of application)
If your basin/subbasin could benefit from a language not identified above, please submit the application and the program contact will reach out regarding the request. Agencies utilizing verbal interpretation services will receive assistance translating meeting invitations and materials into their target language to empower the GSA with the resources to effectively invite attendees if they don’t already have these materials.
Service Limitations:
- Eligible groundwater basins/subbasins are those required to prepare a GSP per CWC §10720.7.
- Requests will take a few weeks to fulfill; additional time will be needed if the service provider requires additional information.
- Service recipients agree to support DWR staff or contractors that are providing verbal interpretation services.
- DWR does not review, take responsibility for, or endorse the content interpreted at the event.
Who is Eligible?
GSAs developing or implementing GSPs, other groups coordinating with the GSAs in developing and implementing GSPs, and agencies implementing approved Alternatives to GSPs are eligible to apply for this service. Entities that previously received these services may reapply for additional support. Entities that request these services must meet all of the following obligations:
- Agree to work in an open, inclusive, and collaborative manner to implement SGMA.
- Support an inclusive process that seeks, promotes, encourages, and welcomes the involvement of all interested parties.
- Commit to meet regularly and work diligently toward a clear and defined goal.
- Commit to providing a meeting space that is suitably located and sized.
How to Apply:
- DWR receives requests for verbal interpretation service using an online application form.
- Applicant provides public meeting notice or flyer, agenda, and presentation with the event details with the application to be translated into the requested language as either Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint files, if available at this time.
Requests will be evaluated and fulfilled as received, on a continuous basis, as contract capacity allows.
Verbal Interpretation Services Application
For more information or help starting an application, contact DWR’s Region Office Coordinators at
Proposition 1 IRWM
Proposition 1 (The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014) IRWM Grant Program, which includes funding for Disadvantaged Community (DAC) projects, provides funding for projects that help meet the long-term water needs of the state. The 2016 Guidelines provides information on the general process, procedures, and criteria. Draft Proposal Solicitation Package is expected to be released early in 2018.
Sustainable Groundwater Planning
The Sustainable Groundwater Planning (SGWP) Grant Program which provides funding for projects that develop and implement sustainable groundwater planning and projects consistent with groundwater planning requirements.
Contact Us
General Inquiries:
Regional Inquiries:
Basin Points of Contact:
Northern Region
North Central Region
South Central Region
Southern Region
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