Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge (Flood-MAR)

Flood - MAR illustrated concept of aquifer recharge.

“Flood-MAR” is an integrated and voluntary resource management strategy that uses flood water resulting from, or in anticipation of, rainfall or snow melt for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) on agricultural lands and working landscapes, including but not limited to refuges, floodplains, and flood bypasses. Flood-MAR can be implemented at multiple scales, from individual landowners diverting flood water with existing infrastructure, to using extensive detention/recharge areas and modernizing flood management infrastructure/operations.

Flood-MAR projects can provide broad benefits for Californians and the ecosystems of the state, including:

  • Water supply reliability
  • Flood risk reduction
  • Drought Preparedness
  • Aquifer Replenishment
  • Ecosystem Enhancement
  • Subsidence Mitigation
  • Water Quality Improvement
  • Working Landscape
    Preservation and Stewardship
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Recreation and Aesthetics

There is strong, and growing, interest across the state in understanding the benefits, limitations, concerns, costs, and funding opportunities for Flood-MAR projects. DWR plans to work with other state, federal, tribal, and local entities; academia; and landowners. Together, we will build on the knowledge and lessons from past and ongoing studies and programs, pursue expanded implementation of Flood-MAR, and make Flood-MAR an integral part of California’s water portfolio.

Contact Us

Jennifer Marr
Supervising Engineer, Water Resources
Division of Statewide Integrated Water Management
(916) 651-9229


Sign up to receive monthly Flood-MAR updates. 



The Flood-MAR Network invites you to join us on November 7 & 8, 2023 for the 4th biennial Flood-MAR Forum at the CSUS Harper Alumni Center in Sacramento. Together we will explore technical, socioeconomic, regulatory, and policy considerations to advance implementation of projects that use floodwate ...
The third Flood-MAR Virtual Public Forum will occur November 8-10, 2021 to continue exploring technical, socioeconomic, regulatory, and policy considerations to advance implementation of projects that use floodwaters for managed aquifer recharge (Flood-MAR).
The 2019 Flood-MAR Public Forum will build on the 2017 Public Forum discussions and specifically focus on topics related to Flood-MAR project implementation.
Join other water resource professionals at the Bridging the Gap Conference to explore how large storm forecasting can be used to maximize water stored in reservoirs and used to recharge groundwater aquifers (Flood MAR).
DWR hosted a listening session in Merced in mid-January with members from the agricultural and rural communities to raise awareness about projects that use floodwaters for groundwater recharge (i.e., Flood-MAR). Feedback from the listening session will help inform DWR’s Flood-MAR program and the lis ...


Lefty's Grill in Nevada City, Calif. had to close due to flooding from Deer Creek, which drains to the Yuba River, during the atmospheric river event across Northern California on January 10, 2017.

Flooding is a major issue across California – every county has experienced a federally declared flood disaster in the past 20 years. To help Californians stay prepared this flood season, DWR is participating in the eighth annual California Flood Preparedness Week from October 19 – 26, 2019.

Cindy Messer discusses key policy and institutional challenges during the Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Summit on September 17, 2019.

“Mother nature is changing fast, and we need to change along with her,” California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot told an audience of climate scientists, water managers, and other stakeholders at a climate change conference on September 17 in Sacramento.

Crews working on Upper Sausal Creek Restoration Project.

Local agencies, State government representatives, and community members came together May 11 to celebrate the completion of the Upper Sausal Creek Erosion Control Restoration Project, a collaborative effort that provides improvements to the community of Oakland and local fish habitats.

Students and community members participate in a Morrison Creek clean-up project during Creek Week. DWR/2018

Local community groups and residents are playing a key role in the design of the Morrison Creek Revitalization Project, a multi-benefit project in south Sacramento that seeks to improve the natural habitat around the creek while creating a safe, recreational environment for the community. DWR is assisting with project design and technical and envir ...

RSP photo - grants

DWR announced the opening of the public comment period for the Riverine Stewardship Program: San Joaquin Fish Population Enhancement Program (SJFPEP) & Urban Streams Restoration Program (USRP) Grants Draft Guidelines and Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP).

McCormack-Williamson Tract aerial view

Located just south of the confluence of the Cosumnes and Mokelumne Rivers, the McCormack-Williamson Tract is a north Delta island with a long history of flooding. In 2018, DWR and its partners broke ground on a restoration project at the site, nearly a decade in the making.
