Flood-Managed Aquifer Recharge (Flood-MAR)
“Flood-MAR” is an integrated and voluntary resource management strategy that uses flood water resulting from, or in anticipation of, rainfall or snow melt for managed aquifer recharge (MAR) on agricultural lands and working landscapes, including but not limited to refuges, floodplains, and flood bypasses. Flood-MAR can be implemented at multiple scales, from individual landowners diverting flood water with existing infrastructure, to using extensive detention/recharge areas and modernizing flood management infrastructure/operations.
Flood-MAR projects can provide broad benefits for Californians and the ecosystems of the state, including:
- Water supply reliability
- Flood risk reduction
- Drought Preparedness
- Aquifer Replenishment
- Ecosystem Enhancement
- Subsidence Mitigation
- Water Quality Improvement
- Working Landscape
Preservation and Stewardship - Climate Change Adaptation
- Recreation and Aesthetics
There is strong, and growing, interest across the state in understanding the benefits, limitations, concerns, costs, and funding opportunities for Flood-MAR projects. DWR plans to work with other state, federal, tribal, and local entities; academia; and landowners. Together, we will build on the knowledge and lessons from past and ongoing studies and programs, pursue expanded implementation of Flood-MAR, and make Flood-MAR an integral part of California’s water portfolio.
DWR has been working with partners to develop a systematic approach to identify floodplain restoration and expansion opportunities that provide high-quality salmonid habitat and enhance naturally occurring floodplain recharge. The Ecological Floodplain Inundation Potential (EcoFIP) toolkit facilitates the identification, analysis, and prioritization of multiple floodplain restoration opportunities at the reach or project scale. The pilot study tools help visualize and compare conceptual restoration designs for potential habitat and recharge benefits and quantify potential benefits and implementation costs. For more information, check out the StoryMaps linked below:
Multiple Benefit Floodplain Restoration Pilot Studies Overview
Upper San Joaquin Study Phase I
Merced River Watershed Flood-MAR Reconnaissance Study
To better understand climate vulnerabilities and how to address them, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) conducted a three-year Merced study in partnership with Merced Irrigation District (MID) as a proof of concept to explore the effectiveness of Flood-MAR to concurrently reduce flood risk, improve water supply, and enhance ecosystems in the Merced River watershed, a tributary to the San Joaquin River. The Merced study is an exploratory watershed-scale analysis to develop and test analytical methods and models, assess climate change vulnerability, and evaluate adaptation strategies meeting multiple benefits that achieve these shared objectives:
- Assess watershed vulnerability to climate change for flood protection, water supply, and ecosystems.
- Develop Flood-MAR strategies reflecting a range of operational complexity and infrastructure improvements.
- Quantitatively evaluate the performance of Flood-MAR strategies in providing multi-sector benefits and climate resilience.
Following is the Merced River Watershed Flood-MAR Reconnaissance Study Report and supporting technical information records (TIR) that explain the development as well as the results of the study:
- Merced River Watershed Flood-MAR Reconnaissance Study Report
- TIR 1 Plan of Study
- TIR 2 Model Integration
- TIR 3 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Baseline Assumptions
- TIR 4 Adaptation Strategy Performance
Coordinating Flood and Groundwater Management Brochure
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) prepared this brochure to describe opportunities that improve use of floodwater for managed aquifer recharge (Flood-MAR) to reduce flood risk, increase groundwater recharge, adapt to climate change, and provide other benefits. Recent cycles of drought and flood provide an enhanced opportunity to strengthen the nexus between the flood management and groundwater management communities. Developing a resilient flood system will require decision-making that not only manages the surface water, but also the dynamic interchange of surface water and groundwater horizontally across floodplains and vertically through the subsurface.
Flood-MAR White Paper
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) prepared this white paper to explore opportunities to use flood water for managed aquifer recharge (Flood-MAR) because DWR recognizes the need to rehabilitate and modernize water and flood infrastructure in California. Large-scale implementation of Flood-MAR can fundamentally change how flood and groundwater management are integrated by using flood water resulting from, or in anticipation of, rainfall or snowmelt for groundwater recharge on agricultural lands and working landscapes, including but not limited to refuges, floodplains, and flood bypasses.
Flood-MAR Research and Data Development Plan
This Flood-MAR Research and Data Development Plan (R&DD Plan) presents the work of the Flood-MAR Research Advisory Committee (RAC), a multidisciplinary group of subject matter experts across 13 research themes. The RAC was tasked to identify the research, data, guidance, and tools necessary to support and expand the implementation of Flood-MAR projects. Well-formulated Flood-MAR projects can benefit Californians and the environment through improved water supply reliability, flood-risk reduction, drought preparedness, aquifer replenishment, ecosystem enhancement, subsidence mitigation, water quality improvement, working landscape preservation and stewardship, climate change adaptation, recreation, and aesthetics.
- Appendix 1: Hydrology Observation and Protection
- Appendix 2: Reservoir Operations
- Appendix 3: Infrastructure Conveyance and Hydraulics
- Appendix 4: Crop Systems Suitability
- Appendix 5: Soils Geology and Aquifer Characterization
- Appendix 6: Land Use Planning and Management
- Appendix 7: Water Quality
- Appendix 8: Recharge and Extraction Methods & Measures
- Appendix 9: Environmental - Terrestrial and Riparian/Aquatic
- Appendix 10: People and Water
- Appendix 11: Economic Analysis
- Appendix 12: Local, State, Federal Policies, and other Legal Considerations
- Appendix 13: Tools and Application Development
The following websites provide additional information and resources on the benefits and issues of using flood waters to recharge groundwater basins.
Contact Us
Supervising Engineer, Water Resources
Division of Statewide Integrated Water Management
(916) 651-9229
Sign up to receive monthly Flood-MAR updates.
Flooding is a major issue across California – every county has experienced a federally declared flood disaster in the past 20 years. To help Californians stay prepared this flood season, DWR is participating in the eighth annual California Flood Preparedness Week from October 19 – 26, 2019.

DWR gathered with its partners and contractors Oct. 15 to celebrate the completion of the 460-acre tidal wetland known as Tule Red in the Suisun Marsh.

“Mother nature is changing fast, and we need to change along with her,” California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot told an audience of climate scientists, water managers, and other stakeholders at a climate change conference on September 17 in Sacramento.

The Suisun Marsh is the largest brackish water wetland on the West Coast, where salt water from the San Francisco Bay meets fresh water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
At his inaugural Speaker Series on July 15, California Secretary for Natural Resources Wade Crowfoot led a discussion on restoring local wildlife species and habitats by reactivating floodplains.

Local agencies, State government representatives, and community members came together May 11 to celebrate the completion of the Upper Sausal Creek Erosion Control Restoration Project, a collaborative effort that provides improvements to the community of Oakland and local fish habitats.

Local community groups and residents are playing a key role in the design of the Morrison Creek Revitalization Project, a multi-benefit project in south Sacramento that seeks to improve the natural habitat around the creek while creating a safe, recreational environment for the community. DWR is assisting with project design and technical and envir ...

DWR announced the opening of the public comment period for the Riverine Stewardship Program: San Joaquin Fish Population Enhancement Program (SJFPEP) & Urban Streams Restoration Program (USRP) Grants Draft Guidelines and Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP).

As part of its ongoing commitment to restore Delta ecosystems and habitat, DWR recently took a significant step in launching a 3,000-acre multi-benefit tidal wetlands restoration project in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

Located just south of the confluence of the Cosumnes and Mokelumne Rivers, the McCormack-Williamson Tract is a north Delta island with a long history of flooding. In 2018, DWR and its partners broke ground on a restoration project at the site, nearly a decade in the making.