Showing 300 of 1966 results

Castaic Lake C.A.S.T. Event - October 2019

This C.A.S.T. for Kids event is designed to provide children with disabilities, ages 7 – 17, the opportunity to enjoy a quality outdoor recreational experience ...

Castaic Lake Recreation

Castaic Lake, one of the State Water Project's largest recreational lakes and the terminal of its west branch, provides emergency storage in the event of a shut ...

Catch A Special Thrill (C.A.S.T.)

We're proud to work with the C.A.S.T for Kids Foundation; local, State, and federal agencies; community groups; schools; and numerous other volunteers to “provi ...

CDAG Meeting #6, Part 1

The purpose of this CDAG meeting is to review, clarify, discuss, and receive comments on the drought and water shortage risk scoring and tool.

CDAG Meeting #6, Part II

Part 2 of the sixth County Drought Advisory Group (CDAG) meeting will take place on May 28, 2019 from 9 a.m. to noon.

CDFW Issues Permit to DWR for Long-Term Operations of the State Water Project

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) issued an Incidental Take Permit (ITP) to the Department of Water Resources (DWR) for long-term operations ...

Celebrate Independence Day with a Fireworks Show in Oroville

Don’t miss this year’s annual Independence Day celebration in Oroville.

Celebrate Independence Day With Fireworks Over North Forebay in Oroville

Celebrate this year’s Independence Day with a Fourth of July fireworks show over the Thermalito North Forebay in Oroville.

Central Coast Groundwater Sustainability Agencies will use $5.5 million from DWR for Local Groundwater Conservation, Water Quality, and Sustainability Projects

As part of our continued partnership with local experts to make strategic investments in water supply resilience projects across the state, the Department of Wa ...

Central Valley Flood Protection Plan

Considerable progress has been made to improve flood management in the Central Valley; however, this vast region still faces significant flood risk. Approximate ...

Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) Conservation Strategy 2022 Update

The Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) Conservation Strategy (Conservation Strategy or Strategy) is a primary component supporting the CVFPP. It align ...

Central Valley Flood Protection Plan Update Released

DWR released the public draft of the 2022 Update to the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP). The plan is California's strategic framework for reducing ...

Central Valley Tributaries Program

The Central Valley Tributaries Program provides grant funding to local agencies for multi-benefit projects that reduce flood risk for urban communities, small c ...

Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) Exam (Announcement Only) - Oceanside

This certification program will lay the foundation for ensuring that highly qualified individuals are available to meet the challenge of breaking the damage cyc ...

Challenges of Forecasting Water Supply During Extreme Weather Events

The series of atmospheric rivers in early 2023 demonstrated how quickly California can move from one extreme to another as severe drought conditions gave way to ...

Challenges of Forecasting Water Supply in a Hotter Climate

On April 8, DWR published the Bulletin 120 and Water Supply Index (WSI) forecast update. The Bulletin 120 is a key tool for water managers across the state to u ...

Changing Climate, Shift to More Extreme Weather Intensify Risk of Flooding in California

California’s shift to a hotter and drier climate is intensifying flood risk across the state and demands action, even during ongoing drought.

