Careers FAQ

Joel Farias, superintendent with DWR works onsite in DWR’s Flood Maintenance and Operations Branch, working with scientists from CDFW, performs aquatic vegetation removal from the borrow canals of the Sutter Bypass to clear a migration pathway and improve water quality for migrating adult spring-run Chinook salmon, which will also rescue fish stranded below these barriers.
What is a classification?
A classification is a group of positions with sufficiently similar job duties and responsibilities that the same title may reasonably and fairly be used to designate each position allocated to the classification. Examples include Information Technology Associate and Office Technician.
Do I need a college degree or a high school diploma to apply for a position with DWR?
It depends on the position(s) you are interested in. DWR offers various opportunities for a range of work and education experience levels. Information regarding minimum qualifications can be found on all job postings.
Do I have to be a US citizen to work for the State of California?
Most classifications at DWR do not require candidates to be a US citizen. However, selected candidates must have the necessary work visas and meet all requirements set forth by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to be eligible to work in the United States.
Are exams/assessments required for all positions at DWR?
Most positions at DWR require applicants to establish eligibility by taking the exams/assessments developed for that classification. However, there are some non-testing classifications that you can apply to without taking an exam/assessment. Make sure to review the job posting thoroughly to determine if you need to take an exam/assessment.
Where can I take the exams/assessments?
Most exams/assessments are online and available 24/7 on CalHR’s website. In-person scheduled exams might be required for some classifications. View a list of our current exams/assessments.
When should I start applying for a position with DWR if I am still enrolled in college?
You can apply to any position you are eligible for based on the minimum requirements. Review the minimum requirements section on the job posting for the latest eligibility information.
DWR also offers multiple paid classifications developed specifically for current students through our Student Program. Our Student Program allows currently enrolled students to network with our professionals, experience our office culture, and gain hands-on experience while completing their education.
Who do I contact if I am interested in a position at DWR?
All DWR job postings have the hiring unit contact in the contact information section. You can reach out to the individual and inquire about the position or the status of your application.
What tips and suggestions do you have for applying with the State of California?
We highly recommend applicants to always review the job posting thoroughly and follow all listed instructions. It is also important to review the duty statement and minimum qualifications for the position/classification you are applying for. Don’t forget to include all the requested documents in your application package or your application will be at risk for disqualification.
For questions regarding specific positions including status of your application(s), reach out to the hiring unit contact listed on the job posting(s). For additional tips and suggestions, contact
What happens to my application after it is submitted?
All applications received are sent to the hiring manager for review after the final filing date has passed for that job posting. The most qualified candidates will be contacted for an interview. This process could take up to two months.
Does DWR offer internship opportunities?
DWR does not have an official internship program at this time, but we do offer various paid opportunities for current students. Visit the DWR Student Program page for more information.
I have other recruitment related questions that are not listed here, what can I do?
Visit the CalCareers website at for more information
You can also email us at or visit the California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) Career Center located at Poppy Pavilion Building, 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. The CNRA Career Center is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.