Data and Tools

We have a long history of data collection, monitoring, and reporting. With the passage of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), there is an increased need for local and state agencies and the public to easily access water data in order to make informed management decisions.

Data Tools Fact Sheet
Data Tools and Reports Fact Sheet ( PDF) | (Publish Date:
Quick reference guide to data, tools and guidance that help Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) develop Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs), and implement the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).
Tags: Groundwater-Management

Screen shot of the California Natural Resources Agency Open Data Platform home page.California Natural Resources Agency Open Data Platform

The CNRA Open Data Platform has been developed to provide data to State of California citizens, agencies, and interested stakeholders in a transparent and useful manner. The Open Data Platform supports the CNRA organizations’ and programs’ missions by providing an environment to publish and share useful data that can be effectively utilized by all.






Screen shot of the California Department of Water Resources Land Use ViewerDWR's SGMA Portal

DWR's SGMA Portal allows local agencies, groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs), and watermasters to submit, modify, and view the information required by the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). It also enables you to view submitted information and provide comments, where applicable. You don't need a login for public access.






 Screen shot of the Water Data Library home page.The Water Data Library

The Water Data Library contains hydrologic data (groundwater level data and some groundwater quality data) for over 35,000 wells in California. The data is collected by DWR Region Offices and dozens of local and federal cooperators.







Screen shot of the California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring ProgramCalifornia Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program

California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring (CASGEM) Program - In 2009, the Legislature passed SBX7 6, which establishes, for the first time in California, collaboration between local monitoring parties and DWR to collect groundwater elevations statewide and that this information be made available to the public.

A screenshot of a map from California's Groundwater Live website.California's Groundwater Live Website

California’s Groundwater Live website features the latest groundwater information, live statistics, and a series of interactive dashboards. Content is organized based on current conditions, groundwater levels, well infrastructure, and land subsidence. 




SGMA Data ViewerSGMA Data Viewer

The SGMA Data Viewer provides access to groundwater related datasets that are organized by the requirements of SGMA and the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) regulations for the purpose of supporting GSP development and implementation.




NC Dataset ViewerNatural Communities Commonly Associated with Groundwater (NCCAG) Dataset Viewer

The Natural Communities (NC) dataset is a compilation of publicly available State and federal agency datasets that map vegetation, wetlands, springs, and seeps in California. The NC Dataset Viewer is undergoing an update but the data is available on Open Data.



Screen shot of California Department of Water Resources Land Use Viewer. California DWR Land Use Viewer

The CADWR Land Use Viewer allows you to easily view and download both statewide and existing county land use datasets. The application also enables you to view crop specific information and visualize land use change over time. Learn more about crop mapping at our Open Data website or view a SGMA Tech Talk webinar for a demo.



WCR Mapping ApplicationCalifornia DWR Well Completion Report Map Application

The Well Completion Report Map Application provides direct statewide access to copies of Well Completion Reports. Well Completion Reports contain information collected by drillers during the drilling and construction of water wells, including the location, dates of construction, planned use, depth of the well, subsurface geologic units encountered, well construction, and well yield.



GICIMAFinancial Assistance Mapping Tools

DWR’s Financial Assistance has developed three web-based mapping applications to assist local agencies and other interested parties in water management planning efforts. For additional information on Disadvantaged Communities, Economically Distressed Areas, and Water Management Planning see the Financial Assistance Mapping Tools page.



DWR is providing data, tools, and guidance to assist GSAs with incorporating climate change into their GSPs. This effort leverages previous work done by DWR for the California Water Commission Water Storage Investment Program (WSIP). The intent is to provide GSAs with a possible method to include climate change into their projected water budget calculations, especially if no local climate change analysis has been done before.

Screen shot of Open Data Platform CNRA Open Data Platform - SGMA Climate Change Resources

The climate change resources are available through the CNRA Open Data Platform. These resources include the data, tools, and guidance in a single location and the access to download the desktop tools. These desktop tools are designed to assist users of the climate change data and processing the climate change projections to integrated hydrologic models.

CNRA Open Data Platform Climate Change ToolboxClimate Change Tools


The ArcGIS tools are developed to assist users in developing projected precipitation and evapotranspiration input files for models.

The Second Order Correction Tool is to assist users in correcting streamflow timing under projected conditions.

Climate Change Resource Guide Cover
Resource Guide | (Publish Date:
The Resource Guide gives GSAs and other stakeholders a high-level overview of the climate change resources including datasets provided by DWR, tools for working with the DWR-provided datasets, and guidance for using DWR-provided data and tools in developing GSPs. The datasets and methods can provide technical assistance to GSAs for developing projected water budgets.
Tags: Groundwater-Management, Sustainable-Groundwater-Management-Act, Climate-Change, Groundwater-Sustainability-Plans, Sustainable-Groundwater-Management-Act, Hydrology, Data
Climate Change Guidance Document Cover
Guidance for Climate Change Data Use During Sustainability Plan Development ( PDF) | (Publish Date:
The objective of this Guidance Document is to provide Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs) and other stakeholders with information regarding climate change datasets and related tools provided by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) for use in developing Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs). The datasets and methods are provided as technical assistance to GSAs to develop projected water budgets.
Tags: Groundwater-Management, Sustainable-Groundwater-Management-Act, Climate-Change, Groundwater-Sustainability-Plans, Sustainable-Groundwater-Management-Act, Hydrology, Data
View Fact Sheet
Climate Change Fact Sheet ( PDF) | (Revision Date: (Publish Date: Version: 1
This fact sheet describes the Sustainable Groundwater Management Program (SGMP) Technical Assistance Climate Change Analysis data sources and application of Climate Change Data for Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Implementation.
Tags: Groundwater-Management, Climate-Change

Statewide Groundwater Level Change Maps

Spring Seasonal GW Change Maps  


Fall Seasonal GW Change Maps


Statewide Groundwater Level Change Summarized by Hydrologic Region "Piemaps"

Spring Seasonal Piemaps


Sacramento Valley Groundwater Elevation Change

Northern Sacramento Valley Groundwater Elevation Change Maps


Proposition 68 Technical Support Projects

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) is leading eight Proposition 68-funded projects managed through the Sustainable Groundwater Management Program. These projects provide groundwater sustainability agencies, related stakeholders, and the public with regional and statewide data, tools, and analysis aligned with the technical requirements of the groundwater sustainability plan (GSP) regulations and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).

The projects can help GSAs successfully develop and implement GSPs. These activities also allow DWR to adequately evaluate GSPs within the statutory deadlines of SGMA. The projects will provide publicly available data to facilitate additional water management activities including groundwater recharge and conjunctive use which will contribute to drought resilience and regional sustainability. The data collection, tool development, and analysis efforts will be focused in the critically overdrafted groundwater basins and in high- and medium-priority basins across the state. Below are fact sheets for each of the projects:

Proposition 68-Funded Project Fact Sheets:

For information on the Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program, please visit the Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program webpage.

DWR is providing the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Water Year Type Dataset to assist GSAs with their GSP water budget development, as stated in the GSP Regulations (23 CCR Section 354.18). The use of the Dataset is optional as GSAs may utilize data of comparable quality.

Cover image of Water Year Type report

CNRA Open Data Platform – SGMA Water Year Type Dataset

The SGMA Water Year Type Dataset is available for download through the CNRA Open Data Platform. The dataset provides the water year types for 98 HUC-8 watersheds from WY 1931 through WY 2018.

Cover of the Water Year Type Development report

SGMA Water Year Type Dataset Development Report

This report describes the background of the implementation of water year type classifications in California and process used to develop the SGMA Water Year Type Dataset. The SGMA Water Year Type Dataset has been developed to assist GSAs in the development of their Water Budget, should they choose not to develop their own water year type based on available data.

The SGMA Water Year Type Dataset can also be downloaded through the CNRA Open Data Platform.


DWR and other agencies are developing guidelines, tools, best management practices, and regulations to assist local agencies with their sustainable groundwater management planning efforts. Statewide and regional foundations, academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and groups within and outside of California have prepared reference documents, presentations, case studies, and conceptual models intended to help local agencies make informed decisions about sustainable groundwater management. DWR makes these resources available to the public through its Sustainable Groundwater Management website; however, does so for the convenience of the user and is not responsible for its content.

Accessing Groundwater Data October 2021

The California Department of Water Resources provides assistance to locals managing groundwater resources, including datasets, tools, and online visualization platforms. The following video highlights the most recent datasets and tools available, including the newly released the California’s Groundwater Live, to understand the most current groundwater levels and conditions.

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