Showing 80 of 1904 results found for "water management"

DWR, Local Agencies Commemorate Completion of State Water Project's East Branch Extension

DWR and local partners commemorated the completion of a project to extend the State Water Project’s East Branch Aqueduct to bring additional supplies to communi ...

DWR Releases Proposal Solicitation Package for Proposition 1 Implementation Grants

DWR released the final Guidelines and Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) for the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Implementation Grant Program.

DWR Awards $25.4 Million in Grants to Support Local Water Supply Projects

To help local agencies implement projects to meet the long-term water needs of their communities, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) has awarded $25.4 mill ...

DWR Releases Final California Water Plan Update 2018

DWR released the Final 2018 Update to the California Water Plan.

Stream Gages Help Californians Better Understand Water Resources

Stream gages are critical for managing California’s water resources. The devices help with early flood warning and generate important data used by the Departmen ...

C2VSim: California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model

California Central Valley Groundwater-Surface Water Simulation Model (C2VSim) is a computer program that simulates water movement through the linked land surfac ...

State & Local Officials Highlight $15 Million in Investments for Local Water Resilience Projects in the Central Valley

On Thursday, DWR joined California Natural Resources Secretary Wade Crowfoot and local officials from across the Central Valley to highlight the $15 million in ...

Climate Change and Water

Climate change is already impacting water and other resources in California, and will continue to do so as California’s population and demand for water increase ...

CDFW Issues Permit to DWR for Long-Term Operations of the State Water Project

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) issued an Incidental Take Permit (ITP) to the Department of Water Resources (DWR) for long-term operations ...

DWR Awards $65.8 Million in Grants to Support Local Water Resilience Projects Around the State

A water treatment expansion project that will serve more than 1 million Californians is just one of the many projects to receive grant funding from DWR as part ...

New Water Year Underway, California Prepares for a Possible Wet El Niño Year

DWR today highlighted how the State and its federal and local partners are preparing for the new water year which started October 1 and the possibility of anoth ...

DWR Releases California Water Plan 2023 Assumptions and Estimates Report

In preparation for the California Water Plan Update 2023 (Update 2023), DWR will release the Draft Assumptions and Estimates Report (A&E Report) on Tuesday, Oct ...

Operations of the State Water Project and Delta Conveyance Informational Webinar Highlights

DWR hosted a series of webinars to provide background information related to preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Delta C ...

California Expedites Over $17 Million in Emergency Funding to Deliver Clean Drinking Water to Central Coast Communities

DWR today expedited $17 million in funding from its Urban Community Drought Relief Program to two underrepresented communities to support consolidation of 10 wa ...

Water Plan Update 2018: A Framework for a Water Resilient California

Water plays an essential role in the daily lives of Californians, requiring careful management of our water resources.

CalConserve Water Use Efficiency Loan Program

AB 92 (Statutes of 2015) authorized the transfer of $10 million from Proposition 1 (Water Code Section 79746) to the CalConserve Water Use Efficiency Revolving ...

Join DWR for Groundwater Awareness Week and Learn How the Water Beneath our Feet Plays a Critical Role in California

This week marks National Groundwater Awareness Week, and as California enters a third consecutive year of drought it is more important than ever to be aware of ...

East Porterville Water Supply Project Connects 755 Homes

Today, a partnership of state and local agencies, working to help homeowners affected by California’s multi-year drought, finished connecting 755 homes to a saf ...

State Delivers $55 Million to Sacramento Water Agencies in Support of Local Water Resilience Projects

To help combat climate change and drought impacts on regional water supplies, the California Natural Resources Agency and Department of Water Resources have par ...

SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity Featuring DWR Water Exhibit Now Open

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is a proud sponsor of the SMUD Museum of Science and Curiosity (MOSAC), formerly known as the Powerhouse Scie ...

