The proposed Delta Conveyance Project would help ensure water supply reliability for the State Water Project in light of projected future changes in precipitation and seasonal flow patterns due to climate change.
The proposed Delta Conveyance Project would help ensure water supply reliability for the State Water Project in light of projected future changes in precipitation and seasonal flow patterns due to climate change.
Lake Oroville Community Update for December 9, 2022.
DWR recently announced its Climate Science Service Awards at the 14th annual Winter Outlook Workshop in San Diego on November 14.
Lake Oroville Community Update for December 2, 2022
DWR has completed the removal of a drought salinity barrier from the West False River in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
Lake Oroville Community Update for November 18, 2022
With Governor Newsom’s recent pledge to invest $8 billion in water infrastructure, carbon-friendly concrete is increasingly in the mix in DWR infrastructure projects.
Lake Oroville Community Update for November 10, 2022
Lake Oroville Community Update for November 4, 2022
As California enters a possible fourth dry year, DWR has released its biennial report to help water managers better understand how key factors, like climate change and regulatory and operational considerations, affect the operation of the State Water Project (SWP) under historical and future scenarios.