Showing 1966 of 1966 results

Work With Us

We provide various opportunities and services to diverse stakeholders, including: Local and regional organizations needing technical assistance, Prospective emp ...

Working Together is Key to Protecting Groundwater

Nearly eight years ago, during our last severe drought in 2014, the California Legislature took bold action to enact landmark groundwater legislation known as t ...

Working Together: DWR Connects with California Tribes

California’s Native American Tribes and DWR share a common goal: protecting one of the state’s most sacred resources – water.

Yes, We Love the Rain and Snow, but California Needs Much More

Most Californians have been experiencing a very wet holiday season. December storms have brought significant rain and record-breaking snow, sending water into o ...

‘Extreme Weather’ Focus of DWR Climate Change Summit

“Mother nature is changing fast, and we need to change along with her,” California Natural Resources Agency Secretary Wade Crowfoot told an audience of climate ...

