Update 2018

Managing water resources for sustainability requires alignment and integration among water sectors. While it also requires additional effort, the outcome provides multiple benefits that accrue from the collaboration, interdisciplinary planning, and pooled funding.
California Water Plan Update 2018 (Update 2018) provides recommended actions, funding scenarios, and an investment strategy to bolster efforts by water and resource managers, planners, and decision-makers to overcome California’s most pressing water resource challenges. It reaffirms State government’s unique role and commitment to sustainable, equitable, long-term water resource management; it also introduces implementation tools to inform sound decision-making. The plan’s broad and diverse portfolio of recommended actions address California’s critical, systemic, and institutional challenges.
Update 2018 presents a vision where all Californians benefit from such desirable conditions as reduced flood risk, more-reliable water supplies, reduced groundwater depletion, and greater habitat and species resiliency — all for a more sustainable future. Planning and policy priorities will have a mutual understanding of resource limitations, management deficiencies, and shared intent — with a focus on sustainability and multi-benefit actions that result in greater public health and safety; healthy economy; ecosystem vitality; and cultural, spiritual, recreational, and aesthetic experiences.
DWR will engage with statewide and regional water planning communities, including federal and Tribal partners, to begin implementing the recommended actions in support of the Governor's Water Resilience Portfolio initiative.
Update 2018 is comprised of a number of documents that were prepared for, or used in, developing the plan. These include the supporting documents and featured companion State plans (available in the tabs below). Also available for review are the public review draft and public comments. Additionally, the Water Plan's Resource Management Strategies and Update 2013 Regional Reports provided foundational information for Update 2018.
1. This version of Update 2018, fully accessible per Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA, provides additional data, in tabular form, on regional applied water use in 2011 (a wet year) and 2014 (a critically dry year), to complement the proportional uses and supplies represented on California maps in Chapter 1.
2. You may request California Water Plan Update 2018 documents listed but not currently available on this page by contacting us at cwpcom@water.ca.gov.
California Water Plan Update 2018 draws from and builds on reference documents related to water resources to enhance the content and produce a better plan with each succeeding update. They provide the methodology, assumptions, data, estimates, and other information used in the development of this update.
- 2018 California Tribal Water Summit Proceedings — The summit proceedings provide a summary of the summit speakers, panels, and discussions that occurred during the two-day summit in April 2018.
- California Must Enhance Groundwater Recharge and Storage — This summary describes the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources’ and the California Economic Summit’s proposed actions to increase implementation of groundwater recharge projects in California. The information was compiled during a stakeholder meeting in September 2018.
- California Water Action Plan Implementation Report: 2014–2018 Summary of Accomplishments — The implementation report highlights the accomplishments during the implementation of the “California Water Action Plan” from 2014 to 2018.
- California Water Plan Glossary — The glossary contains terms used in the text of Update 2018 and additional terms related to water resources.
- Corporate Water Stewardship and the Case for Green Infrastructure — This report presents how private sector investment in green infrastructure can reduce water-related risks and provide multiple co-benefits while helping companies achieve water-stewardship goals.
- Disadvantaged Communities Visioning Workshop Recommendations — This report presents recommendations that support a more effective, equitable, and accessible roadmap to meeting the water needs of disadvantaged communities.
- Ecosystem Services and California’s Working Landscapes: Market Mechanisms to Revitalize Rural Economies — This report explores current and potential markets for water provision, agricultural production, climate stability, outdoor recreation, and biodiversity to identify ways of mapping, valuing, and investing in ecosystem services to help protect California’s natural capital and narrow the economic divide between its urban and rural regions.
- Engaging the Business Community on Watershed Sustainability Assessments: Opportunities, Challenges, and Recommendations — Engagement between the public and private sectors can be a powerful tool for assessing, addressing, and reducing shared water risks. This report provides an overview of opportunities, challenges, and recommendations for achieving this engagement.
- Flood-MAR: Using Flood Water for Managed Aquifer Recharge to Support Sustainable Water Resources This white paper explores opportunities to use flood-managed aquifer recharge (Flood-MAR). It demonstrates the need for Flood-MAR to become an important part of California’s portfolio of water resource management strategies to help significantly improve water resource sustainability and climate resiliency throughout the state.
- Funding Mechanism Inventory and Evaluation — This document provides a description of the current and novel funding mechanisms, as well as assumptions used in the funding analysis in Update 2018.
- Funding Scenario Analysis — This document provides a description of the funding analysis as well as the scenarios evaluated by the funding analysis in Update 2018.
- Future Water Scenarios — This document covers future water supply and demand scenarios developed by the California Water Plan to analyze long-term future climate, urban growth, and land use conditions and their effect on long-term water demand conditions.
- Historical Expenditures and Current and Future Funding Needs — This document provides a description of California’s water resources management historical expenditures and the current and future funding needs in the state.
- Integrated Regional Water Management Panel Discussion Summaries: California Water Plan Update 2018: 2017 and 2018 Plenary Meetings — A compendium of panel discussions and session activities, this report provides a summary of the integrated water management sessions DWR hosted in conjunction with the Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Roundtable of Regions, during the Water Plan plenary meetings in support of Update 2018.
- Process Guide for Update 2018 — This article summarizes the elements of the Update 2018 development process, while highlighting the organizational structure and methods used to facilitate a robust, iterative collaboration among agencies, California Native American Tribes, stakeholders, and the technical team.
- Progress Report for Implementation of Assembly Bill 1755, the Open and Transparent Water Data Act — This report includes the background, accomplishments, and next steps for implementing A.B. 1755. It describes the strategic plan, initial protocols, use case development, long-term governance and funding options, the implementation planning by eight partner State agencies, and stakeholder engagement.
- Recharge Roundtable Call to Action: Key Steps for Replenishing California Groundwater — This report summarizes results of a Groundwater Resources Association of California and the University of California Water Security and Sustainability Research Initiative workshop to identify key actions needed to significantly increase recharge to California groundwater systems.
- Report on the Water Sustainability Atlas Pilot Project with Recommendations — This report provides the accomplishments and recommendations for full-scale implementation on the prototype Sustainability Atlas successfully used in three pilot projects for the American River Basin IRWM region, the San Diego IRWM region, and the Mojave IRWM region.
- Stakeholder Perspectives: Recommendations for Sustaining and Strengthening Integrated Regional Water Management — This report provides stakeholder recommendations on actions needed to sustain and strengthen the practice of IRWM with the goal of achieving regional sustainability.
- State Board of Food and Agriculture Letter to Governor Brown — Recommendations for Groundwater Managed Recharge — This letter delivers the recommendations related to groundwater recharge from the board to the governor in support of achieving the goals of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) and the “California Water Action Plan.”
- Strategic Data Framework — The Strategic Data Framework aims to connect the California Department of Water Resources programs to support achieving the sustainable water management goals of the Water Plan, the “California Water Action Plan,” and SGMA.
- The Sustainability Outlook: A Summary — The Sustainability Outlook establishes a comprehensive method, or tool, for tracking and reporting the progress and the effectiveness of implementing water management actions and policies, as well as return on investment. By doing so, the Sustainability Outlook provides shared agreement and consistency across State government and local governments throughout California.
- Sustainability Outlook Indicator Descriptions and Methodology — The Sustainability Outlook relies on identified indicators to track status and progress toward sustainability, including the effectiveness of State water policies and return on investments. This document details the process for developing the indicators as defined within the California Water Plan (Water Plan).
- Sustainability Outlook Pilot Project: Russian River Watershed — The Russian River watershed was selected as a pilot area because of established relationships in the watershed. In addition, the innovative and participatory local entities involved have fewer distinctive jurisdictions or agencies, compared with other watersheds in the state. As planned, this pilot is applying the outcome-based planning concepts advanced by Update 2018 at a watershed scale.
- Sustainability Outlook Pilot Project: Santa Ana River Watershed — The Santa Ana River watershed was selected as a pilot area because of established relationships in the watershed, as well as the innovative sustainability planning of the One Water One Watershed plans coordinated by the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority. The “One Water One Watershed 2.0 Plan” (2014) created an indicators-based tool for assessing integrated regional water management plan performance, based on earlier California Department of Water Resources grant-supported work at the Council for Watershed Health, and “California Water Plan Update 2013” work at the University of California, Davis. This pilot draws from the earlier work and the experience in the region with application of the Water Foundation’s Sustainability Water Management Profile.
- Water Budget Development Practitioner’s Handbook(DRAFT)— The Water Budget Handbook will provide a tool that uses data and models to develop water budgets for any geographic area and time period. This will allow local agencies to develop their own water budgets.
- Water Budget Pilot Projects — As proof of concept for the Water Budget Handbook, pilot projects for the Tulare Lake and Central Coast hydrologic regions demonstrate the value of water budgets to achieve and manage water resources sustainability.
- Water Portfolios and Balances — Water portfolios and balances describe the distribution of water throughout the hydrologic cycle, water use by the urban and agricultural sectors, water in the environment, and water supply sources used to meet these uses at the statewide and regional levels.
These State government plans, related to water resources, were used to inform policy recommendations and short- and long-term actions in California Water Plan Update 2018.
Plan |
Agency |
Year Published |
California Department of Parks and Recreation |
2015 |
Sierra Nevada Conservancy |
2015 |
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy Board |
2017 |
California Energy Commission |
2018 |
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services) |
Public Review Draft, 2018 |
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |
2018 |
California Department of Water Resources |
2016 |
California 2030 Natural and Working Lands Climate Change Implementation Plan |
California Environmental Protection Agency, California Natural Resources Agency, California Department of Food and Agriculture, California Air Resources Board, California Strategic Growth Council |
January 2019 Draft |
California Department of Food and Agriculture, State Board of Food and Agriculture |
2019 |
California Biodiversity Initiative: A Roadmap for Protecting the State’s Natural Heritage |
California Natural Resources Agency, California Department of Food and Agriculture, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research |
2018 |
California Drought of 2012–2016 |
California Department of Water Resources |
in preparation |
California EcoRestore |
California Natural Resources Agency |
California Native American Tribal Engagement in the California Water Plan Update 2013 — Tribal Engagement Plan |
California Water Plan, Tribal Communication Committee |
2010 |
California Ocean Protection Council Five-Year Strategic Plan 2012–2017 |
California Ocean Protection Council |
California Department of Fish and Wildlife |
2015 |
California Strategic Growth Council Strategic Plan 2012–2014 |
Strategic Growth Council |
2012 |
California Department of Transportation |
2016 |
California Natural Resources Agency, California Department of Food and Agriculture, California Environmental Protection Agency |
2016 |
California Water Commission |
2012 |
California Air Resources Board |
2017 |
California’s Forests and Rangelands: 2010 Strategy Report |
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |
2010 |
California’s Forests and Rangelands: 2017 Assessment |
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection |
2017 |
California Department of Water Resources |
2017 |
Delta Stewardship Council |
2017 |
Department of Toxic Substances Control 2014–2018 Strategic Plan |
California Department of Toxic Substances Control |
2014 |
Division of Safety of Dams: Strategic Plan |
California Department of Water Resources |
2018 |
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research |
Draft, 2015 |
Governor’s Office of Planning and Research |
2017 |
Investing in California's Flood Future |
California Department of Water Resources |
in preparation |
Making Water Conservation a California Way of Life: Implementing Executive Order B-37-16 |
California Department of Water Resources, California State Water Resources Control Board, California Public Utilities Commission, California Department of Food and Agriculture, California Energy Commission |
2017 |
California Department of Water Resources, California State Water Resources Control Board |
2018 |
State Water Resources Control Board |
2013 |
Regional Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans) |
State Water Resources Control Board |
various |
California Ocean Protection Council |
2017 |
State Water Resources Control Board |
2015 |
California Natural Resources Agency |
2016 |
Safeguarding California Plan: 2018 Update — California’s Climate Adaptation Strategy |
California Natural Resources Agency |
2018 |
San Francisco Bay/Sacramento — San Joaquin Delta Estuary Water Quality Control Plan |
State Water Resources Control Board |
in preparation |
Stakeholder Perspectives — Recommendations for Sustaining and Strengthening IRWM |
California Department of Water Resources |
2017 |
California State Coastal Conservancy |
2017 |
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services |
2017 |
Stormwater Targets for Groundwater Recharge and Direct Use in Urban California |
California Department of Water Resources |
2019 |
Strategic Plan for A.B. 1755, the Open and Transparent Water Data Act |
California Department of Water Resources, State Water Resources Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Water Quality Monitoring Council, Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, California Government Operations Agency, Delta Stewardship Council, California Natural Resources Agency |
2018 |
State Water Resources Control Board |
2008 |
State Water Resources Control Board |
2016 |
Threat, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment 2018 |
Governor’s Office of Emergency Services |
2018 |
Vision 2030 Strategic Plan |
Delta Protection Commission |
2015 |
California Public Utilities Commission |
2010 |
The Update 2018 Public Review Draft was released on December 21, 2018 for public review. We received 50 comment letters, all available upon request.
# |
Date Received |
Submitted by |
Organization(s) |
Status |
1 |
1/2/2019 |
Beverly Walsh |
General Public |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
2 |
1/8/2019 |
Terri McCartney |
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
3 |
1/9/2019 |
Ginia Wickersham |
General Public |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
4 |
1/9/2019 |
Greg Zlotnick |
San Juan Water District |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
5 |
1/9/2019 |
Donna Miranda-Begay |
Tubatulabal Tribe |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
6 |
1/10/2019 |
Gary Arant |
Valley Center Municipal Water District |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
7 |
1/15/2019 |
Martin Harris |
Terra Land Group, LLC |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
8 |
1/17/2019 |
Kelly Gage |
San Diego County Water Authority |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
9 |
1/18/2019 |
Kimberly A. Thorner |
Olivenhain Municipal Water Distric |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
10 |
1/18/2019 |
Carlos Riva |
Poseidon Water |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
11 |
1/18/2019 |
Carol Mahoney |
Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7 |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
12 |
1/18/2019 |
Michael Cohen |
Alianza Coachella Valley, Audubon California, Defenders of Wildlife, Environmental Defense Fund, Pacific Institute, and Sierra Club |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
13 |
1/18/2019 |
Michelle Berditschevsky |
Medicine Lake Citizens for Quality Environment, and Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
14 |
1/18/2019 |
Richard Johnson |
Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
15 |
1/18/2019 |
Brad Coffey |
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
16 |
1/18/2019 |
Jackson A. Minasian |
Minasian, Meith, Soares, Sexton & Cooper, LLP |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
17 |
1/18/2019 |
David Bolland |
Association of California Water Agencies and California Municipal Utilities Association |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
18 |
1/20/2019 |
George Kunkel |
Kunkel Water Efficiency Consulting |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
19 |
1/20/2019 |
Bud Hoekstra |
General Public |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
20 |
1/21/2019 |
Gary Trachtman |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
21 |
1/21/2019 |
Thomas D. MacCarthy |
Mojave Water Agency |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
22 |
1/21/2019 |
Chris Petersen |
Groundwater Resources Association of California |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
23 |
1/21/2019 |
Katie Ruby |
California Urban Water Agencies |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
24 |
1/21/2019 |
Tom Wheeler |
Madera County |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
25 |
1/21/2019 |
Alicia Dunkin |
Orange County Water District, Sonoma Water, Turlock Irrigation District, Yuba Water Agency, and San Diego County Water Authority |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
26 |
1/21/2019 |
Paul Kelley |
CalDesal |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
27 |
1/21/2019 |
Michael Obermiller |
City of Poway |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
28 |
1/21/2019 |
John Woodling |
Regional Water Authority |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
29 |
1/21/2019 |
Caroline Koch |
WaterNow Alliance |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
30 |
1/21/2019 |
Paul A. Cook |
Irvine Ranch Water District |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
31 |
1/21/2019 |
Russ Freeman |
Westlands Water District |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
32 |
1/21/2019 |
Mike Antos |
Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
33 |
1/21/2019 |
Elizabeth Lovsted |
Eastern Municipal Water District |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
34 |
1/21/2019 |
Teresa Gomez |
City of Oceanside |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
35 |
1/21/2019 |
Verna Jigour |
V Jigour LLC |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
36 |
1/20/2019 |
Delon Kwan |
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
37 |
1/21/2019 |
Joseph Berg |
Municipal Water District of Orange County |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
38 |
1/21/2019 |
Robert Hemphill |
Strelitzia Ventures |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
39 |
1/21/2019 |
Timothy K. Parker |
Parker Groundwater |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
40 |
1/22/2019 |
Sherri Norris |
California Indian Environmental Alliance |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
41 |
1/22/2019 |
Lynn Rodriguez |
IRWM Roundtable of Regions |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
42 |
1/22/2019 |
James H Marple |
Citizens for Responsible Watershed Management |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
43 |
1/18/2019 |
Bobbie Henry |
Inter-Tribal Council Of California |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
44 |
1/22/2019 |
Cora Kammeyer |
Pacific Institute |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
45 |
1/21/2019 |
Jack Hawks |
California Water Association |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
46 |
1/22/2019 |
Maddie Duda |
The Environmental Justice Coalition for Water |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
47 |
1/22/2019 |
Giles Coon |
Los Angeles County Public Works |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
48 |
1/22/2019 |
Osha R. Meserve |
Soluri Meserve |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
49 |
1/25/2019 |
Katherine Gledhill |
North Coast Resource Partnership |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
50 |
2/4/2019 |
Emily Abfalter |
McKinleyville Community Services District |
Incorporated as Appropriate |
Foundational information used to develop Water Plan Update 2018 was derived from Update 2013, including the Resource Management Strategies and the Regional Reports.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments regarding Update 2018, you can contact us at cwpcom@water.ca.gov.
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