Showing 800 of 1967 results

First Snow Survey of the Season Finds Below Average Conditions for California

DWR conducted the first snow survey of the season at Phillips Station.

First State Water Project Allocation at 10 Percent

DWR announced an initial State Water Project (SWP) allocation of 10 percent for the 2020 calendar year.

First-of-its-Kind Watershed Study Highlights How Innovative Tools Help Build Climate Resilience in the San Joaquin Valley

California’s changing climate brings new challenges each year for water managers as they navigate extreme shifts from drought to flood while working to ensure s ...

Fish Restoration Program NOI to Apply Form and the Aquatic Pesticide Application Plan

The Fish Restoration Program is proposing to do aquatic vegetation management under the Statewide General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES ...

Fisheries Infrastructure and Operations Program

Our Bay-Delta Environmental Compliance and Evaluation staff work to collect data about the health of fish and wildlife in the Delta. We plan and collaborate on ...

Five Ways to Stay Safe While Swimming in California's Lakes and Reservoirs

DWR wants to remind those looking to have a good time at SWP lakes and reservoirs to always be safe when in or around the water. Here are five safety rules to r ...

Floating Grebe Nests Receive Help From DWR

During the summer months, a unique bird makes its home in the waters around the Oroville-Thermalito Complex, with a little help from DWR. The Western and Clark’ ...


California is prone to potentially devastating impacts of periodic floods. All 58 counties have experienced at least 1 significant flood event in the past 25 ye ...

Flood After Fire Preparedness Tips

The National Weather Service is forecasting rain in both Northern and Southern California starting Wednesday, including over the burn areas of the Camp and Wool ...

Flood After Fire: Know Your Risk

The wildfires of 2017 have charred hillsides across the state leaving communities downslope vulnerable to catastrophic mud and debris flows.

Flood Control Subventions Program

Along with the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFPB), we provide financial assistance to local agencies cooperating in the construction of federally aut ...

Flood Corridor Program

The Flood Corridor Program (FCP) provides grant funding to proponents of nonstructural flood management projects throughout the state that include wildlife habi ...

Flood Data

Our data collection and analysis efforts support flood management and emergency response. We develop and provide real-time tools to assess flood conditions and ...

Flood Emergency Response Projects Grants

Since 2012, we've provided $34 million through 3 different types of Flood Emergency Response grants to improve local flood emergency response and contribute to ...

Flood Management

California’s geography and weather are the most diverse in the nation, resulting in a variety of natural hazards including flooding. California experiences ever ...

Flood Planning and Studies

Over the last 60 years, California has experienced more than 30 major flood events, resulting in more than 300 lives lost, more than 750 injuries and billions o ...

Flood Preparedness

The risk of catastrophic floods exists every year, and heavy downpours often lead to dangerous flooding conditions. Wildfires add another layer of risk during t ...

Flood Preparedness Week 2018 Educates Californians on Flood Risk After Wildfires

After this historic year of fires, it is more important than ever that Californians are aware of their flood risks if they live downhill of areas affected by wi ...

