Environmental Justice

Photo  of women from a previous Locke Asian Pacific Spring Festival

Photo from Locke Asian Pacific Spring Festival.

Approximately 27 million people in the Bay Area, San Joaquin Valley, Central Coast and Southern California, or 3 of 5 Californians, including millions of people in disadvantaged communities, receive clean affordable water that flows through the State Water Project (SWP) infrastructure in the Delta. One of the objectives of the Delta Conveyance Project is to protect the reliability of these supplies for decades to come. Additionally, public water agencies must maintain affordable water rates for the economically disadvantaged families in their extensive service areas.


The Department of Water Resources (DWR) studied the potential impacts of the Delta Conveyance Project on traffic, noise, air quality, and historical, cultural, recreational, and other resources.  As part of this analysis, DWR engaged with Tribal members and historically burdened, underrepresented, low income and otherwise vulnerable populations (also referred to as “disadvantaged communities”) as part of the project’s environmental analysis to determine baseline conditions and potential project-related impacts on and benefits for the Delta’s diverse communities.


DWR will continue this engagement with disadvantaged communities in all phases of the project—from planning through the project’s design and construction, as well as post-construction period.

Contact Us

Questions and More Information:
1-866-924-9955 | deltaconveyance@water.ca.gov 

delta conveyance language assistance graphic


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