Environmental Planning

A double-crested cormorant swims through a ditch along Woodbridge Rd. in Lodi, California.

A double-crested cormorant swims through a ditch along Woodbridge Rd. in Lodi, California. DWR/2019

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) initiated the planning for the Delta Conveyance Project in early 2020 and is pursuing numerous environmental compliance and permitting processes that must be completed prior to construction and operation of the Delta Conveyance Project.

All information and updates related to these processes can be found on www.deltaconveyanceproject.com, including all of the relevant CEQA information, such as the Certified Final Environmental Impact Report and decision documents.

Contact Us

Questions and More Information:
1-866-924-9955 | deltaconveyance@water.ca.gov 

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