Part II. Water Well Construction
Section 8. Well Location With Respect to Pollutants and Contaminants, and Structures
A. Separation. All water wells shall be located an adequate horizontal distance from known or potential sources of pollution and contamination. Such sources include, but are not limited to:
- sanitary, industrial, and storm sewers;
- septic tanks and leachfields;
- sewage and industrial waste ponds;
- barnyard and stable areas;
- feedlots;
- solid waste disposal sites;
- above and below ground tanks and pipelines for storage and conveyance of petroleum products or other chemicals;
- storage and preparation areas for pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals.
Consideration should also be given to adequate separation from sites or areas with known or suspected soil or water pollution or contamination.
The following horizontal separation distances are generally considered adequate where a significant layer of unsaturated, unconsolidated sediment less permeable than sand is encountered between ground surface and groundwater. These distances are based on present knowledge and past experience. Local conditions may require greater separation distances to ensure groundwater quality protection.
Potential Pollution or Contamination Source | Minimum Horizontal Separation Distance Between Well and Known or Potential Source |
Any sewer (sanitary, industrial, or storm; main or lateral) |
50 feet |
Watertight septic tank or subsurface sewage leaching field |
100 feet |
Cesspool or seepage pit |
150 feet |
Animal or fowl enclosure |
100 feet |
If the well is a radial collector well, minimum separation distances shall apply to the furthest extended point of the well.
Many variables are involved in determining the "safe" separation distance between a well and a potential source of pollution or contamination. No set separation distance is adequate and reasonable for all conditions. Determination of the safe separation distance for individual wells requires detailed evaluation of existing and future site conditions.
Where, in the opinion of the enforcing agency adverse conditions exist, the above separation distances shall be increased, or special means of protection, particularly in the construction of the well, shall be provided, such as increasing the length of the annular seal.
Lesser distances than those listed above may be acceptable where physical conditions preclude compliance with the specified minimum separation distances and where special means of protection are provided. Lesser separation distances must be approved by the enforcing agency on a case-by-case basis.
B. Gradients. Where possible a well shall be located up the groundwater gradient from potential sources of pollution or contamination. Locating wells up gradient from pollutant and contaminant sources can provide an extra measure of protection for a well. However, consideration should be given that the gradient near a well can be reversed by pumping, as shown in Figure 3, or by other influences.

C. Flooding and Drainage.If possible, a well should be located outside areas of flooding. The top of the well casing shall terminate above grade and above known levels of flooding caused by drainage or runoff from surrounding land. For community water supply wells, this level is defined as the:
"...floodplain of a 100 year flood..." or above "...any recorded high tide...", (Section 64417, Sitting Requirements, Title 22 of the California Code of Regulations.)
If compliance with the casing height requirement for community water supply wells and other water wells is not practical, the enforcing agency shall require alternate means of protection.
Surface drainage from areas near the well shall be directed away from the well. If necessary, the area around the well shall be built up so that drainage moves away from the well.
D. Accessibility. All wells shall be located an adequate distance from buildings and other structures to allow access for well modification, maintenance, repair, and destruction, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
Section 9. Sealing the Upper Annular Space
The space between the well casing and the wall of the drilled hole, often referred to as the annular space, shall be effectively sealed to prevent it from being a preferential pathway for movement of poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants. In some cases, secondary purposes of an annular seal are to protect casing against corrosion or degradation, ensure the structural integrity of the casing, and stabilize the borehole wall.
A. Minimum Depth of Annular Surface Seal. The annular surface seal for various types of water wells shall extend from ground surface to the following minimum depths:
Well Type |
Minimum Depth Seal Must Extend Below Ground Surface |
Community Water Supply |
50 feet |
Industrial |
50 feet |
Individual Domestic |
20 feet |
Agricultural |
20 feet |
Air-Conditioning |
20 feet |
All Other types |
20 feet |
1. Shallow groundwater. Exceptions to minimum seal depths can be made for shallow wells at the approval of the enforcing agency, where the water to be produced is at a depth less than 20 feet. In no case shall an annular seal extend to a total depth less than 10 feet below land surface. The annular seal shall be no less than 10 feet in length.
Caution shall be given to locating a well with a 'reduced' annular seal with respect to sources of pollution or contamination. Such precautions include horizontal separation distances greater than those listed in Section 8, above.
- 2. Encroachment on known or potential sources of pollution or contamination. When, at the approval of the enforcing agency, a water well is to be located closer to a source of pollution or contamination than allowed by Section 8 , above, the annular space shall be sealed from ground surface to the first impervious stratum, if possible. The annular seal for all such wells shall extend to a minimum depth of 50 feet.
- 3. Areas of freezing. The top of an annular surface seal may be below ground surface in areas where freezing is likely, but in no case more than 4 feet below ground surface. 'Freezing' areas are those where the mean length of the freeze-free period described by the National Weather Service is less than 100 days. In other word, 'freezing' areas are where temperatures at or below 32 degrees Fahrenheit are likely to occur on any day during a period of 265 or more days each year. In general, these areas include:
- portions of Modoc, Lassen, and Siskiyou Counties;
- portions of the North Lahontan area including the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada and related valleys north of Mount Whitney and Mono Lake; and,
- the area of Lake Arrowhead in the San Bernardino Mountains;
4. Vaults. At the approval of the enforcing agency, the top of an annular surface seal and well casing can be below ground surface where traffic or other conditions require, if the seal and casing extend to a watertight and structurally sound subsurface vault, or equivalent feature. In no case shall the top of the annular surface seal be more than 4 feet below ground surface. The vault shall extend from the top of the annular seal to at least ground surface.
The use of subsurface vaults to house the top of water wells below ground surface is rare and is discouraged due to susceptibility to the entrance of surface water, pollutants, and contaminants. Where appropriate, pitless adapters should be used in place of vaults.
1. Wells drilled in unconsolidated, caving material. An 'oversized' hole, at least 4 inches greater in diameter than the outside diameter of the well casing, shall be drilled and a conductor casing temporarily installed to at least the minimum depth of annular seal specified in Subsection A , above. Permanent conductor casing may be used if it is installed in accordance with Item 3 and Item 5 , below and if it extends at least to the depth specified in Subsection A , above. One purpose of conductor casing is to hold the annular space open during well drilling and during the placement of the well casing and annular seal.
Temporary conductor casing shall be withdrawn as sealing material is placed between the well casing and borehole wall, as shown in Figure 4A . Sealing material shall be placed at least within the interval specified in Subsection A , above. The sealing material shall be kept at a sufficient height above the bottom of the temporary conductor casing as it is withdrawn to prevent caving of the borehole wall.
Temporary conductor casing may be left in place in the borehole after the placement of the annular seal only if it is impossible to remove because of unforeseen conditions and not because of inadequate drilling equipment, or if its removal will seriously jeopardize the integrity of the well and the integrity of subsurface barriers to pollutant or contaminant movement. Temporary conductor casing may be left in place only at the approval of the enforcing agency on a case-by-case basis.
Every effort shall be made to place sealing material between the outside of temporary conductor casing that cannot be removed and the borehole wall to fill any possible gaps or voids between the conductor casing and the borehole wall. At least two inches of sealing material shall be maintained between the conductor casing and well casing. At a minimum, sealing material shall extend through intervals specified in Subsection A , above.
Sealing material can often be placed between temporary conductor casing that cannot be removed and the borehole wall by means of pressure grouting techniques, as described below and in Appendix B . Other means of placing sealing material between the conductor casing and the borehole wall can be used, at the approval of the enforcing agency.
Pressure grouting shall be accomplished by perforating temporary conductor casing that cannot be removed, in place. The perforations are to provide passages for sealing material to pass through the conductor casing to fill any spaces and voids between the casing and borehole wall. Casing perforations shall be a suitable size and density to allow the passage of sealing materials through the casing and the proper distribution of sealing material in spaces between the casing and borehole wall. At a minimum, the perforations shall extend through the intervals specified in Subsection A , above, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
Temporary conductor casing that must be left in place shall be perforated immediately before sealing operations begin to prevent drilling or well construction operations from clogging casing perforations. Once the casing has been adequately perforated, sealing material shall be placed inside the conductor casing and subjected to sufficient pressure to cause the sealing material to pass through the conductor casing perforations and completely fill any spaces or voids between the casing and borehole wall, at least within the intervals specified in Subsection A , above. Sealing material shall consist of neat cement, or bentonite prepared from powdered bentonite and water, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
Sealing material must also fill the annular space between the conductor casing and the well casing within required sealing interval
2. Wells drilled in unconsolidated material with significant clay layers. An 'oversized' hole, at least 4 inches greater in diameter than the outside diameter of the well casing, shall be drilled to at least the depth specified in Subsection A , above, and the annular space between the borehole wall and the well casing filled with sealing material in accordance with Subsection A , above (see Figure 4B ). If a significant layer of clay or clay-rich deposits of low permeability is encountered within 5 feet of the minimum seal depth prescribed in Subsection A , above, the annular seal shall be extended at least 5 feet into the clay layer. Thus, the depth of seal could be required to be extended as much as another 10 feet. If the clay layer is less than 5 feet in total thickness, the seal shall extend through its entire thickness.
If caving material is present within the interval specified in Subsection A , a temporary conductor casing shall be installed to hold the borehole open during well drilling and placement of the casing and annular seal, in accordance with the requirements of Item 1 , above. Permanent conductor casing may be used if it is installed in accordance with Item 3 and Item 5 , below, and it extends to at least the depth specified in Subsection A , above.
3. Wells drilled in soft consolidated formations (extensive clays, sandstones, etc.).An 'oversized' hole, at least 4 inches greater than the outside diameter of the well casing, shall be drilled to at least the depth specified in Subsection A , above. The space between the well casing and the borehole shall be filled with sealing material to at least the depth specified in Subsection A , above, as shown by Figure 4C .
If a permanent conductor casing is to be installed to facilitate the construction of the well, an oversized hole, at least 4 inches greater in diameter than the outside surface of the permanent conductor casing, shall be drilled to the bottom of the conductor casing or to at least the depth specified in Subsection A , above, and the annular space between the conductor casing and the borehole wall filled with sealing material. In some cases, such as in cable tool drilling, it may be necessary to extend permanent conductor casing beyond the depth of the required depth of the annular surface seal in order to maintain the borehole. Sealing material is not required between conductor casing and the borehole wall other than the depths specified in Subsection A , above, and Section 13 , below.
4. Wells situated in "hard" consolidated formations (crystalline or metamorphic rock). An oversized hole shall be drilled to the depth specified in Subsection A , above and the annular space filled with sealing material. If there is significant overburden, a conductor casing may be installed to retain it. If the material is heavily fractured, the seal should extend into a solid material. If the well is to be open-bottomed (lower section uncased), the casing shall be seated in the sealing material (see Figure 5A ).
5. Gravel packed wells.
- With conductor casing. An oversized hole, at least 4 inches greater than the diameter of the conductor casing, shall be drilled to the depth specified in Subsection A , above and the annular space between the conductor casing and drilled hole filled with sealing material. (In this case the gravel pack may extend to the top of the well but to prevent contamination by surface drainage, a welded cover shall be installed over the top in the space between the conductor casing and the production casing, see Figure 5B ).
- Without conductor casing. An oversized hole at least 4 inches greater in diameter than the production casing, shall be drilled to the depth specified in Subsection A , above and the annular space between the casing and drilled hole filled with sealing material. If gravel fill pipes are installed through the seal, the annular seal shall be of sufficient thickness to assure that there is a minimum of 2 inches between the gravel fill pipe and the wall of the drilled hole. The gravel pack shall terminate at the base of the seal (see Figure 5C ). If a temporary conductor casing is used, it shall be removed as the sealing material is placed.
- 6. For wells situated in circumstances differing from those described above, the sealing conditions shall be as prescribed by the enforcing agency.
- 7. Converted wells. Wells converted from one use to another, particularly those constructed in prior years without annular seals, shall have annular seals installed to the depth required in Subsection A , above and at the thickness described in Subsection E . Where it is anticipated that a well will be converted to another use, the enforcing agency may require the installation of a seal to the depth specified for community water supply wells. (See Note 1)
- 8. Wells that penetrate zones containing poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants. If geologic units or fill known or suspected to contain poor- quality water, pollutants, or contaminants are penetrated during drilling, and, the possibility exists that poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants could move through the borehole during drilling and well construction operations and significantly degrade groundwater quality in other units before sealing material can be installed, then precautions shall be taken to seal off or 'isolate' zones containing poor-quality water, pollutants, and contaminants during drilling and well construction operations. Special precautions could include the use of temporary or permanent conductor casing, borehole liners, and specialized drilling equipment. The use of conductor casing is described in Item 1 , above.
C. Conductor Casing. For community water supply wells, the minimum thickness of steel conductor casing shall be 1/4 inch for single casing or a minimum of No. 10 U. S. Standard Gage for double casing. Steel used for steel casing shall conform to the specifications for steel casing described in Section 12.
D. Sealing Material. Sealing material shall consist of neat cement, sand cement, concrete, or bentonite. Cuttings from drilling, or drilling mud, shall not be used for any part of the sealing material.
- Types I and II cement - 24 hours
- Type III cement - 12 hours
- Type V cement - 6 hours
E. Radial Thickness of Seal. A minimum of two inches of sealing material shall be maintained between all casings and the borehole wall, within the interval to be sealed, except where temporary conductor casing cannot be removed, as noted in Subsection B , above. A minimum of two inches of sealing material shall also be maintained between each casing, such as permanent conductor casing, well casing, gravel fill pipes, etc., in a borehole within the interval to be sealed, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. Additional space shall be provided, where needed, for casings to be properly centralized and spaced and allow the use of a tremie pipe during well construction (if required), especially for deeper wells.
F. Placement of Seal.
1. Obstructions. All loose cuttings, or other obstructions to sealing shall be removed from the annular space before placement of the annular seal.
2. Centralizers. Well casing shall be equipped with centering guides or 'centralizers' to ensure the 2-inch minimum radial thickness of the annular seal is at least maintained. Centralizers need not be used in cases where the well casing is centered in the borehole during well construction by use of removable tools, such as hollow-stem augers.
The spacing of centralizers is normally dictated by the casing materials used, the orientation and straightness of the borehole, and the method used to install the casing.
Centralizers shall be metal, plastic, or other non-degradable material. Wood shall not be used as a centralizer material. Centralizers must be positioned to allow the proper placement of sealing material around casing within the interval to be sealed.
Any metallic component of a centralizer used with metallic casing shall consist of the same material as the casing. Metallic centralizer components shall meet the same metallurgical specifications and standards as the metallic casing to reduce the potential for galvanic corrosion of the casing.
3. Foundation and Transition Seals. A packer or similar retaining device, or a small quantity of sealant that is allowed to set, can be placed at the bottom of the interval to be sealed before final sealing operations begin to form a foundation for the seal.
A transition seal, up to 5 feet in length, consisting of bentonite, is sometimes placed in the annular space to separate filter pack and cement-based sealing materials. The transition seal can prevent cement-based sealing materials from infiltrating the filter pack. A short interval of fine-grained sand, usually less than 2 feet in length, is sometimes placed between the filter pack and the bentonite transition seal to prevent bentonite from entering the filter pack. Also, fine sand is sometimes used in place of bentonite as the transition seal material.
Fine-sized forms of bentonite, such as granules and powder, are usually employed for transition seals if a transition seal is to be placed above the water level in a well boring. Coarse forms of bentonite, such as pellets and chips, are often used where a bentonite transition seal is to be placed below the water level.
Transition seals should be installed by use of a tremie pipe, or equivalent. However, some forms of bentonite may tend to bridge or clog in a tremie pipe.
Bentonite can be placed in dry form or as slurry for use in transition seals. Water should be added to the bentonite transition seal prior to the placement of cement-based sealing materials where bentonite is dry in the borehole. Care should be exercised during the addition of water to the borehole to prevent displacing the bentonite.
Water should be added to bentonite at a ratio of about 1 gallon for every 2 pounds of bentonite to allow for proper hydration. Water added to bentonite for hydration shall be of suitable quality and free of pollutants and contaminants.
Sufficient time should be allowed for bentonite transition seals to properly hydrate before cement-based sealing materials are placed. Normally, ½ to 1 hour is required for proper hydration to occur. Actual time of hydration is a function of site conditions.
The top of the transition seal shall be sounded to ensure that no bridging has occurred during placement.
4. Timing and Method of Placement. The annular space shall be sealed as soon as practical after completion of drilling or a stage of drilling. In no case shall the annular space be left unsealed longer than 14 days following the installation of casing.
Sealing material shall be placed in one continuous operation from the bottom of the interval to be sealed, to the top of the interval. Where the seal is more than 100 feet in length, the deepest portion of the seal may be installed first and allowed to set or partially set. The deep initial seal shall be no longer than 10 feet in length. The remainder of the seal shall be placed above the initial segment in one continuous operation.
Sealing material shall be placed by methods (such as the use of a tremie pipe or equivalent) that prevent freefall, bridging, or dilution of the sealing material, or separation of sand or aggregate from the sealing material. Annular sealing materials shall not be installed by freefall unless the interval to be sealed is dry and no deeper than 30 feet below ground surface.
5. Groundwater Flow. Special care shall be used to restrict the flow of groundwater into a well boring while placing material, where subsurface pressure causing the flow of water is significant.
6. Verification. It shall be verified that the volume of sealing material placed at least equals or exceeds the volume to be sealed.
- 7. Pressure. Pressure required for placement of sealing materials shall be maintained long enough for cement-based sealing materials to properly set.
Section 9 Notes: 1. This statement presumes that land use planning has taken place and that zoning requirements are in effect.
Section 10. Surface Construction Features
A. Openings. Openings into the top of the well which are designed to provide access to the well, i.e., for measuring, chlorinating, adding gravel, etc., shall be protected against entrance of surface waters or foreign matter by installation of watertight caps or plugs. Access openings designed to permit the entrance or egress of air or gas (air or casing vents) shall terminate above the ground and above known flood levels and shall be protected against the entrance of foreign material by installation of down-turned and screened "U" bends (see Figure 6 and Figure 7).
All other openings (holes, crevices, cracks, etc.) shall be sealed.
A "sounding tube" (see Note 1), taphole with plug, or similar access (see Figure 6 ) for the introduction of water level measuring devices shall be affixed to the casing of all wells. For wells fitted with a "well cap" the cap shall have a removable plug for this purpose.
- Where the pump is installed directly over the casing, a watertight seal (gasket) shall be placed between the pump head and the pump base (slab), or a water-tight seal (gasket) shall be placed between the pump base and the rim of the casing, or a "well cap" shall be installed to close the annular opening between the casing and the pump column pipe (see Figure 6 and Figure 7 ).
- Where the pump is offset from the well or where a submersible pump is used, the opening between the well casing and any pipes or cables which enter the well shall be closed by a watertight seal or "well cap".
- If the pump is not installed immediately or if there is a prolonged interruption in construction of the well, a watertight cover shall be installed at the top of the casing.
- A watertight seal or gasket shall be placed between the pump discharge head and the discharge line; or, in the event of a below-ground discharge, between the discharge pipe and discharge line (see Figure 6 and Figure 7 ).
Bases. A concrete base or pad, sometimes called a pump block or pump pedestal, shall be constructed at ground surface around the top of the well casing and contact the annular seal, unless the top of the casing is below ground surface, as provided by Subsection B , below.
The base shall be free of cracks, voids, or other significant defects likely to prevent water tightness. Contacts between the base and the annular seal, and the base and the well casing, must be water tight and must not cause the failure of the annular seal or well casing. Where cement-based annular sealing material is used, the concrete base shall be poured before the annular seal has set, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
The upper surface of the base shall slope away from the well casing. The base shall extend at least two feet laterally in all directions from the outside of the well boring, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. The base shall be a minimum of 4 inches thick.
A minimum base thickness of 4 inches is normally acceptable for small diameter, single-user domestic wells. The base thickness should be increased for larger wells. Shape and design requirements for well pump bases vary with the size, weight, and type of pumping equipment to be installed, engineering properties of the soil on which the base is to be placed, and local environmental conditions. A large variety of base designs have been used. The Vertical Turbine Pump Association has developed a standard base design for large lineshaft turbine pumps. This design consists of a square, concrete pump base whose design is dependent on bearing weight and site soil characteristics.
Where freezing conditions require the use of a pitless adapter, and the well casing and annular seal do not extend above ground surface or into a pit or vault, a concrete base or pad shall be constructed as a permanent location monument for the covered well. The base shall be 3 feet in length on each side and 4 inches in thickness, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. The base shall have a lift-out section, or equivalent, to allow access to the well. The lift-out shall facilitate inspection and repair of the well.
- Where the well is to be gravel packed and the pack extends to the surface, a watertight cover shall be installed between the conductor casing and the inner casing (see also Section 9 , Subsection B, Item 5 and Figure 5 ).
B. Well Pits or Vaults.The use of well pits, vaults, or equivalent features to house the top of a well casing below ground surface shall be avoided, if possible, because of their susceptibility to the entrance of poor-quality water, contaminants and pollutants. Well pits or vaults can only be used if approval is obtained from the enforcing agency. A substitute device, such as a pitless adapter or pitless adapter unit (a variation), should almost always be used in place of a vault or pit.
Pitless adapters and units were developed for use in areas where prolonged freezing occurs, and below ground (frost line) discharges are common. Both the National Sanitation Foundation and Water Systems Council have developed standards for the manufacture and installation of pitless adapters and units. (See Appendix E - Bibliography , Bulletin 74-81.)
If a pit or vault is used it shall be watertight and structurally sound. The vault shall extend from the top of the annular seal to at least ground surface.
The vault shall contact the annular seal in a manner to form a watertight and structurally sound connection. Contacts between the vault and the annular seal, and the vault and the well casing, if any, shall not fail or cause the failure of the well casing or annular seal.
Where cement-based annular seal materials are used, the vault shall be set into or contact the annular seal material before it sets, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. If bentonite-based sealing material is used for the annular seal, the vault should be set into the bentonite before it is fully hydrated.
Cement-based sealing material shall be placed between the outer walls of the vault and the excavation into which it is placed to form a proper, structurally sound foundation for the vault, and to seal the space between the vault and excavation.
The sealing material surrounding a vault shall extend from the top of the annular seal to ground surface unless precluded in areas of freezing. If cement-based sealing material is used for both the annular seal and the space between the excavation and vault, the sealing material shall be emplaced in a 'continuous pour'. In other words, cement-based sealing material shall be placed between the vault and excavation and contact the cement-based annular seal before the annular seal has set.
The vault cover or lid shall be watertight but shall allow the venting of gases. The lid shall be fitted with a security device to prevent unauthorized access. The outside of the lid shall be clearly and permanently labeled 'WATER WELL'. The vault and its lid shall be strong enough to support vehicular traffic where such traffic might occur.
The top of the vault shall be set at, or above, grade so that drainage is away from the vault. The top of the well casing contained within the vault shall be covered in accordance with requirements under Subsection A , above, so that water, contaminants, and pollutants that may enter the vault will not enter the well casing. The cover shall be provided with a pressure relief or venting device for gases.
C. Enclosure of Well and Appurtenances. In community water supply wells, the well and pump shall be located in a locked enclosure to exclude access by unauthorized persons.
D. Pump Blowoff. When there is a blowoff or drain line from the pump discharge, it shall be located above any known flood levels and protected against the possibility of backsiphonage or backpressure. The blowoff or drain line shall not be connected to any sewer or storm drain except when connected through an air gap.
E. Air Vents. In community water supply wells to minimize the possibility of contamination caused by the creation of a partial vacuum during pumping, a casing vent shall be installed ( Figure 7 ). In addition, to release air trapped in the pump column when the pump is not running, air release vents shall be installed ( Figure 7 ). Air vents are also recommended for other types of wells except those having jet pump installations requiring positive pressure (which cannot have a vent).
F. Backflow Prevention. All pump discharge pipes not discharging or open to the atmosphere shall be equipped with an automatic device to prevent backflow and/or back siphonage into a well. Specific backflow prevention measures are required for drinking water supply wells as prescribed in Title 17, Public Health, California Code of Regulations (Sections 7583-7585 and 7601-7605, effective June 25, 1987).
Irrigation well systems, including those used for landscape irrigation, and other well systems that employ, or which have been modified to employ, chemical feeders or injectors shall be equipped with a backflow prevention device(s) approved by the enforcing agency.
Section 10 Notes:
1. A "sounding tube" or similar access is necessary so that the water level in the well can be periodically determined. Knowledge of the water level, both static and pumping levels, is vital to the maintenance of the well and pump and for determining the efficiency of pump. Such information will lead to few and less costly repairs and reduce operating costs.
Section 11. Disinfection and Other Sanitary Requirements.
A. Disinfection. All wells producing water for domestic use (i.e., drinking or food processing) shall be disinfected following construction, repair, or when work is done on the pump,beforethe well is placed in service. A procedure for disinfecting a well is described in Appendix C.
B. Gravel. Gravel used in gravel-packed wells shall come from clean sources and should be thoroughly washed before being placed in the well. Gravel purchased from a suppliershould be washed at the pit or plant prior to delivery to the well site.
C. During placement of the gravel in the annular space disinfectants (usually calcium hypochlorite in tablet or granular form) shall be added to the gravel at a uniform rate (two tablets per cubic foot or one pound of the granular form per cubic yard).
D. Lubricants. Mud and water used as a drilling lubricant shall be free from sewage contamination. Oil and water used for lubrication of the pump and pump bearing shall also be free from contamination.
A. Casing Material. Requirements pertaining to well casing are to insure that the casing will perform the functions for which it is designed, i.e., to maintain the hole by preventing its walls from collapsing, to provide a channel for the conveyance of the water, and to provide a measure of protection for the quality of the water pumped.
- 1. Well casing shall be strong and tough enough to resist the force imposed on it during installation and those forces which can normally be expected after installation.
2. Steel is the material most frequently used for well casing, especially in drilled wells. The thickness of steel used for well casing shall be selected in accordance with good design practices applied with due consideration to conditions at the site of the well. (See Note 1) There are three principal classifications of steel materials used for water well casing, and all are acceptable for use so long as they meet the following conditions.
- a. Standard and line pipe. This material shall meet one of the following specifications, including the latest revision thereof: (1) American Petroleum Institute (API) Std. 5L, "Specification for Line Pipe". (2) API Std. 5LX, "Specification for High-Test Line Pipe". (3) American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) A53, "Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and Seamless". (4) ASTM A120, "Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless, for Ordinary Uses". (5) ASTM A134, "Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (sizes NPS 16 and over)". (6) ASTM A135, "Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe". (7) ASTM A139, "Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (sizes 4 inches and over)". (8) ASTM A211, "Standard Specification for Spiral-Welded Steel or Iron Pipe". (9) American Water Works Association (AWWA) C200, "AWWA Standard for Steel Water Pipe 6 Inches and Larger".
- b. Structural Steel. This material shall meet one of the following specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials, including the latest revision thereof: (1) ASTM A36, "Standard Specification for Structural Steel". (2) ASTM A242, "Standard Specification for High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steel". (3) ASTM A283, "Standard Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates of Structural Quality. (4) ASTM A441, "Tentative Specification for High-Strength Low Alloy Structural Manganese Vanadium Steel". (5) ASTM A570, "Standard Specification for Hot-Rolled Carbon Steel Sheet and Strip, Structural Quality".
- c. High strength carbon steel sheets referred by their manufacturers and fabricators as "well casing steel". At present, there are no standard specifications concerning this material. However, the major steel producers market products whose chemical and physical properties are quite similar. Each sheet of material shall contain mill markings which will identify the manufacturer and specify that the material is well casing steel which complies with the chemical and physical properties published by the manufacturer.
- d. Stainless steel casing shall meet the provisions of ASTM A409, "Standard Specification for Welded Large Diameter Austenitic Steel Pipe for Corrosive or High Temperature Service".
3. Plastic. Two basic types of plastic are commonly used for plastic well casing: thermoplastics and thermosets. Thermoplastics soften with the application of heat and reharden when cooled. Thermoplastics can be reformed repeatedly using heat and sometimes can unexpectedly deform. Attention should be given to the effect of heat on thermoplastic casing from the setting and curing of cement. Additional discussion on sealing material and heat generation is in Section 9, Subsection D, 'Sealing Material'.
Thermoplastics used for well casing include ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and SR (styrene rubber). PVC is the most frequently used thermoplastic well casing in California. Styrene rubber is seldom used.
Unlike thermoplastics, thermoset plastics cannot be reformed after heating. The molecules of thermoset plastic are 'set' during manufacturing by heat, chemical action, or a combination of both. The thermoset plastic most commonly used for well casing is fiberglass.
a. Thermoplastics. Thermoplastic well casing shall meet the requirements of ASTM F480. Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Well Casing Pipe and Couplings Made in Standard Dimension Ratios (SDR), SCH 40 and SCH 80, including the latest revision thereof. (Note: A 'dimension ratio' is the ratio of pipe diameter to pipe wall thickness.)
Pipe made in Schedule 40 and 80 wall thicknesses and pipe designated according to certain pressure classifications are listed in ASTM F480, as well as casing specials referencing the following ASTM specifications:
(1) ABS Pipe. ASTM D1527, Standard Specification for Acrylonitrile- Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80.
(2) PVC Pipe. ASTM D1785, Standard Specification for (Poly Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120.
(3) Pressure-Rated PVC Pipe. ASTM D2241, Standard Specifications for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-Rated Pipe (SDR Series).
Thermoplastic well casing that may be subject to signifiant impact stress during or after installation shall meet or exceed the requirements for impact resistance classification set forth in Section 6.5 of ASTM F480. Casing that may be subject to significant impact forces includes, but is not limited to; casing that is installed in large diameter, deep boreholes; and casing through which drilling tools pass following installation of the casing in a borehole. - b. Thermoset Plastics. Thermoset casing material shall meet the following specifications, as applicable, including the latest revisions thereof: (1) Filament Wound Resin Pipe. ASTM D2996, Standard Specification for Filament Wound Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe. (2) Centrifugally Cast Resin Pipe. ASTM D2997, Standard Specification for Centrifugally Cast Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe. (3) Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe. ASTM D3517, Standard Specification for Reinforced Plastic Mortar Pressure Pipe. (4) Glass Fiber Reinforced Resin Pressure Pipe. American Water Works Association (AWWA) C950, AWWA Standards for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Pressure Pipe.
- c. Drinking Water Supply. All plastic casing used for drinking water supply wells, including community supply well and individual domestic wells, shall meet the provisions of National Sanitation Foundation Standard No. 14, Plastic Piping Components and related Materials and any revision thereof. The casing shall be marked or labeled following requirements in NSF Standard No. 14. Standard No. 14 includes the requirements of ASTM F480.
- d. Storage, Handling, and Transportation. Plastic casing shall not be stored in direct sunlight or subjected to freezing temperatures for extended periods of time. Plastic casing shall be stored, handled, and transported in a manner that prevents excessive mechanical stress. Casing shall be protected from sagging and bending, severe impacts and loads, and potentially harmful chemicals.
- e. Large Diameter Wells. Because large diameter plastic casing has not been used extensively at depths exceeding 500 feet, special care shall be exercised with its use in deep wells.
a. Thermoplastics. Thermoplastic well casing shall meet the requirements of ASTM F480. Standard Specification for Thermoplastic Well Casing Pipe and Couplings Made in Standard Dimension Ratios (SDR), SCH 40 and SCH 80, including the latest revision thereof. (Note: A 'dimension ratio' is the ratio of pipe diameter to pipe wall thickness.)
Pipe made in Schedule 40 and 80 wall thicknesses and pipe designated according to certain pressure classifications are listed in ASTM F480, as well as casing specials referencing the following ASTM specifications:
- 4. Concrete pipe used for casing should conform to the following specifications, including the latest revision thereof: (a) ASTM C14, "Standard Specifications for Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe". (b) ASTM C76, "Standard Specifications for Reinforced Concrete Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe". (c) AWWA C300, "AWWA Standard for Reinforced Concrete Pressure Pipe Steel Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids". (d) AWWA C301, "AWWA Standard for Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe Steel, Cylinder Type, for Water and Other Liquids".
- 5. Unacceptable Casing Materials. Galvanized sheet metal pipe such as 'downspout' tile pipe, or natural wood shall not be used as well casing.
- 6. Other Materials. Materials in addition to those described above may be used as well casing, subject to enforcing agency approval.
B. Casing Installation. All well casing shall be assembled and installed with sufficient care to prevent damage to casing sections and joints. All casing joints above intervals if perforations or screen shall be watertight. Any perforations shall be below the depths specified in Section 9, Subsection A, above.
Casing shall be equipped with centering guides or 'centralizers' to ensure the even radial thickness of the annular seal and filter pack.
- 1. Metal Casing. Metallic casing may be joined by welds, threads, or threaded couplings. Welding shall be accomplished in accordance with the standards of the American Welding Society or the most recent revision of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler Construction Code. Metallic casing shall be equipped with a 'drive shoe' at the lower end if it is driven into place.
2. Plastic Casing. Plastic casing may be joined by solvent welding or mechanically joined by threads or other means, depending on the type of material and its fabrication. Solvent cement used for solvent welding shall meet specifications for the type of plastic casing used. Solvent cement shall be applied in accordance with solvent and casing manufacturer instructions. Particular attention shall be given to instructions pertaining to required setting time for joints to develop strength.
The following specifications for solvent cements and joints for PVC casing shall be met, including the latest revisions thereof:
- a. ASTM D2564, Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe and Fittings.
- b. ASTM D2855, Standard Practice for Making Solvent-Cemented Joints with Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Pipe and Fittings. Plastic casing or screen shall not be subjected to excessive stress during installation and shall not be driven into place. Care shall be taken to ensure that plastic casing and joints are not subjected to excessive heat from cement-based sealing material. A specifically designed adapter shall be used to join plastic casing to metallic casing or screen.
Section 12 Notes: 1. Selection of casing depends on its ability to resist external forces as well as factors affecting the casing serviceability. The maximum theoretical external pressure under which a particular well casing of a specific diameter and thickness will collapse can be calculated. However, other considerations such as the effect of driving the casing into place or other impact forces which may have an effect on the ability of a particular casing to resist external pressures, cannot be calculated with accuracy. Good design practices preclude the selection of a casing of a particular thickness for use where it will experience external pressures approaching the maximum or where unknown forces might magnify the effect of the external forces. Instead it is customary for designers to introduce factors of safety which tend to ensure that the casing selected will resist all probable forces imposed upon it. Consequently, experience and sound judgement, coupled with these factors or safety, have so far proved to be the best guide in selecting the proper casing. Suggested thicknesses for steel casing for various depths and diameters are to be found in material published by the various steel manufactures and fabricators and in publications on the design of water wells. The suggested thickness contained in such publications are not to be considered a part of these standards.
Section 13. Sealing-off Strata
In areas where a well penetrates more than one aquifer, and one or more of the aquifers contains water that, if allowed to mix in sufficient quantity, will result in a significant deterioration of the quality of water in the other aquifer(s) or the quality of water produced, the strata producing such poor-quality water shall be sealed off to prevent entrance of the water into the well or its migration to other aquifer(s).
A. Strata producing the undesirable quality water shall be sealed off by placing impervious material opposite the strata and opposite the confining formation(s). (See Figure 8.) The seal shall extend above and below the strata no less than 10 feet even should the confining formation be less than 10 feet in thickness. In the case of "bottom" waters, the seal shall extend 10 feet in the upward direction. The sealing material shall fill the annular space between the casing and the wall of the drilled hole in the interval to be sealed, and the surrounding void spaces which might absorb the sealing material. The sealing material shall be placed from the bottom to the top of the interval to be sealed.
In areas where deep subsidence may occur (as, for example, portions of the San Joaquin Valley) provision shall be made for maintaining the integrity of the annular seal in the event of subsidence. Such preventive measures may include the installation of a "sleeve" or "slip joint" in the casing, which will allow vertical movement in the casing without its collapse.
B. Sealing material shall consist of neat cement, cement grout, or bentonite clay (see Section 9, Subsection D for description of the various materials).
C. Sealing shall be accomplished by a method approved by the enforcing agency. Suggested methods for sealing off strata are presented in Appendix B.

Section 14. Well Development
Development, redevelopment, or reconditioning of a well shall be performed with care, by method that will not damage the well structure or destroy natural barriers to the movement of poor quality water, pollutants, and contaminants.
Acceptable well development, redevelopment, or reconditioning methods include:
- Overpumping;
- Surging or swabbing by use of 'plungers';
- Surging with compressed air;
- Backwashing or surging by alternately starting and stopping a pump;
- Jetting with water;
- Introducing specifically-formulated chemicals into a well; and,
- Combinations of the above.
Hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracturing) is sometimes an acceptable well development and redevelopment method when properly performed. Good quality water shall be used in hydrofracturing. The water shall be disinfected prior to introduction into a well. Material used as 'propping' agents shall be free of pollutants and contaminants, shall be compatible with the use of a well, and shall be thoroughly washed and disinfected prior to placement in a well.
Development, redevelopment, or reconditioning by use of specially designed explosive charges is in some cases, another acceptable development method. Explosives shall be used with special care to prevent damage to the well structure and to any natural barriers to the movement of poor-quality water, pollutants, and contaminants. Explosives shall only be used by properly- trained personnel.
Wells subjected to chemicals or explosives during development, redevelopment, or reconditioning operations shall be thoroughly pumped to remove such agents and residues immediately after the completion of operations. Chemicals, water, and other wastes removed from the well shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable local, State, and federal requirements. The enforcing agency should be contacted regarding the proper disposal of waste.
Section 15. Water Quality Sampling
The collection of water quality samples is described in Appendix D.
The requirements to be followed with respect to water quality sampling are:
A. Community Water Supply Wells and Certain Industrial Wells. The water from all community water supply wells and industrial wells which provide water for use in food processing shall be sampled immediately following development and disinfection, and appropriate analysis made. Rules and regulations governing the constituents to be tested, type of testing, etc., for community water supply systems are contained in Chapter 15, "Domestic Water Quality and Monitoring", of Title 22, California Administrative Code. Water analysis shall be performed by a laboratory certified by the California Department of Health Services. A copy of the laboratory analysis shall be forwarded to the California Department of Health Services or to the local health department. Approval of the enforcing agency must be obtained before the well is putinto use.
Except where there is free discharge from the pump (that is, there is no direct connection to the water delivery system such as to a sump), a sample tap (see Figure 7) shall be provided on the discharge line so that water representative of the water in the well may be drawn for laboratory analysis. The tap shall be located so as to prevent back siphonage to the pump discharge when the pump is shut off (e.g., on the system side of the check valve).
B. Other Types of Wells. To determine the quality of water produced by a new well it should be sampled immediately following construction and development. Appropriate analyses shall be made based upon the intended uses of the water.
Section 16. Special Provisions for Large Diameter Shallow Wells
A. Use as Community Water Supply Wells. Because shallow groundwaters are often of poor quality and because they are easily contaminated, the use of bored or dug wells, or wells less than 50 feet deep, to provide community water supplies shall be avoided (unless there is no other feasible means for obtaining water). When usedfor this purpose, these wells shall be located at least 250 feet from any underground sewage disposal facility.
B. Bored Wells. All bored wells shall be cased with concrete pipe or steel casing whose joints are water-tight from 6 inches above the ground surface to the depths specified in Section 9, Subsection A. Except where corrugated steel pipe is used as casing, the minimum thickness of the surrounding concrete seal shall be 3 inches. Where corrugated steel pipe is employed, the joints are not watertight and a thicker annular seal (no less than 6 inches) shall be installed.
C. Dug Wells. All dug wells shall be "curbed" with a watertight curbing extending from above the ground surface to the depths specified in Section 9, Subsection A. The curbing shall be of concrete poured-in-place or of casing (either precast concrete pipe or steel) surrounded on the outside by concrete.
If the curbing is to be made of concrete, poured-in-place, it shall not be less than 6 inches thick. If precast concrete pipe or steel casing is used as part of the curbing,the space between the wall of the hole and the casing shall be filled with concrete to the depths specified in Section 9, Subsection A. The minimum thickness of thesurrounding concrete shall be 3 inches.
D. Casing Material. Either steel (including corrugated steel pipe) or concrete may be used for casing bored or dug wells. Corrugated aluminum pipe is not recommended for use as casing. (See Note 1)
1. Steel used in the manufacture of casing for bored and dug wells should conform to the specifications for casing material described in Section 12. Minimumthickness of steel casing for bored and dug wells shall be:
Diameter (inches) |
U.S. Standard Gage or Plate Thickness |
18 |
8 gage |
24 |
1/4 inch |
30 |
1/4 inch |
36 |
1/4 inch |
42 |
1/4 inch |
48 |
1/4 inch |
2. Corrugated steel pipe used as casing shall meet the specifications (including the latest revision) of American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) A444, "Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) by the HOT-DIP Process for Culverts and Under- drains". The minimum thickness ofsheetused shall be 0.109 inch.
3. Concrete casing can consist of either poured-in-place concrete or precast concrete pipe. Poured-in-place concrete should be sufficiently strong to withstandthe earth and water pressures imposed on it during, as well as after, construction. It should be properly reinforced with steel to furnish tensile strength and to resist cracking, and it should be free from honeycombing or other defects likely to impair the ability of the concrete structure to remain watertight. Aggregate small enough to place without "bridging" should be used. Poured-in-place concrete shall be "Class A" (6 sacks of Portland cement per cubic yard) or "Class B" (5 sacks per cubic yard).
Precast concrete pipe is usually composed of concrete rings from 1 to 6 feet in diameter and approximately 3 to 8 feet long. To serve satisfactorily as casing, these rings should be free of blemishes that would impair their strength or serviceability. Concrete pipe shall conform to the specifications listed in Section 12, Subsection A, Item 4.
E. Covers. All bored and dug wells shall be provided with a structurally sound, watertight, cover made of concrete or steel.
Section 16 Notes:
1. Aluminum placed in an aggressive soil is subject to electrolytic corrosion. When the soil pH is very high (over 8.0) or very low (under 6.0) this could present problems and, therefore, the soil pH ought to be checked. In addition, galvanic corrosion is likely to take place unless the pump is also made of aluminum. Accordingly, the use of most of the aluminum alloys currently available is not recommended.
Section 17. Special Provisions for Driven Wells ("Well Points").
A. If the well is to be used as an individual domestic well, an oversize hole with a diameter at least 3 inches greater than the diameter of the pipe shall be constructed to a depth of 6 feet and the annular space around the pipe shall be filled with neat cement, cement grout, or bentonite mud.
B. The minimum wall thickness of steel drive pipe shall not be less than 0.140 inch.
C. Well points made of thermoplastic materials should not be driven but jetted or washed into place.
Section 18. Rehabilitation, Repair, and Deepening of Wells.
A. Rehabilitation is the treatment of a well by chemical or mechanical means (or both) to recover lost production caused by incrustation or clogging of screens or the formation immediately adjacent to the well. The following methods used for rehabilitating a well when done with care are acceptable: (1) introduction of chemicals designed for this purpose, (2) surging by use of compressed air, (3) backwashing or surging by alternately starting or stopping the pump, (4) jetting with water, (5) sonic cleaning, (6) vibratory explosives, and (7) combinations of these. Methods which produce an explosion (in addition to the use of vibratory explosives mentioned above) are also acceptable provided, however, they are used with great care, particularly where aquifers are separated by distinct barriers to the movement of groundwater.
In those cases where chemicals or explosives have been used, the well shall be pumped until all traces of them have been removed.
B. In the repair of wells, material used for casing shall meet the requirements of Section 12 "Casing"of these provisions. In addition, the requirements of Section 11, Subsection A "Disinfection"and, when applicable,Section 13 "Sealing-off Strata"shall be followed.
C. Where wells are to be deepened, the requirements of Section 11,Section 12,Section 13,Section 14, and Section 15 of these standards shall be followed.
Section 19. Temporary Cover.
Whenever there is an interruption in work on the well such as overnight shutdown, during inclement weather, or waiting periods required for the setting up of sealing materials, for tests, for installation of the pump, etc., the well opening shall be closed with a cover to prevent the introduction of undesirable material into the well and to insure the public safety. The cover shall be held in place or "weighted-down" in such a manner that it cannot be removed except with the aid of equipment or through the use of tools.
During prolonged interruptions (i.e., one week or more), a semipermanent cover shall be installed. For wells cased with steel, a steel cover, tack- welded to the top of the casing, is adequate.
Quick Links
- Bulletin 74-81 Introduction
- Bulletin 74-90 Introduction
- Part I. General, Water Well Standards
- Part II. Water Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Water Wells
- Monitoring Well Standards, Introduction
- Part I. Monitoring Well Standards, General
- Part II. Monitoring Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Monitoring Wells
- Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- Part I. General, Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- Part II. Cathodic Protection Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Cathodic Protection Wells
- Appendices