Part II. Monitoring Well Construction
Part II. Monitoring Well Construction
Section 8. Well Location With Respect to Pollutants and Contaminants, and Structures.
Monitoring wells are usually constructed to observe conditions at defined or required locations. Monitoring well locations are usually selected on the basis of known or expected hydrologic, geologic, and water quality conditions and the location of pollutant or contaminant sources. Monitoring wells frequently need to be located close to or within areas of pollution or contamination.
- A. Separation. Monitoring wells shall be located an adequate distance from known or potential sources of pollution and contamination, including those listed in Section 8 of the Water Well Standards, unless regulatory or legitimate data requirements necessitate they be located closer.
- B. Flooding and Drainage. Monitoring wells should be located in areas protected from flooding, if possible. Provisions for locating monitoring wells in areas of flooding and drainage are contained in Section 8 of the Water Well Standards.
- C. Accessibility. All monitoring wells shall be located an adequate distance from buildings and other structures to allow access for well maintenance, modification, repair, and destruction, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
- D. Disposal of Wastes When Drilling in Contaminated or Polluted Areas. Drill cuttings and wastewater from monitoring wells or exploration holes in areas of known or suspected contamination or pollution shall be disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal, State, and local requirements. The enforcing agency should be contacted to determine requirements for the proper disposal of cuttings and wastewater.
Section 9. Sealing the Upper Annular Space
The space between the monitoring well casing and the wall of the well boring, usually referred to as the "annular space," shall be effectively sealed to prevent it from being a preferential pathway for the movement of poor quality water, pollutants, and contaminants. Since monitoring wells are often constructed to obtain water from discrete intervals, a secondary purpose of the annular seal can be to isolate the well intake section or screen to one water-bearing unit. The annular seal can also serve to protect the structural integrity of the well casing and to protect the casing from chemical attack and corrosion. Because monitoring wells are often located close to, or within areas affected by pollutants and contaminants, an effective annular seal is often critical for the protection of groundwater quality.
General discussion of sealing methods and requirements for monitoring wells is contained in Section 9, Section 13, and Appendix B, of the Water Well Standards. Special requirements for monitoring wells include the following:
A. Minimum Depth of Annular Seal.
- 1. Water quality monitoring wells and monitoring wells constructed in areas of known or suspected pollution or contamination. The annular space shall be sealed from the top of the filter pack or monitoring zone to ground surface, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. The top of the filter pack or monitoring zone shall not extend into another water-bearing unit above the single water-bearing unit being monitored unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. The filter pack or monitoring zone shall not extend into any confining layers that overlie or underlie the unit to be monitored, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. The annular surface seal shall be no less than 20 feet in length. Seal lengths less than 20 feet are permissible only if shallow zones will be monitored and approval has been obtained from the enforcing agency. If possible, special protection shall be provided where a reduced-length seal is used, as described in Section 8 of the Water Well Standards.
- 2. Other Monitoring Wells. The upper annular seal shall extend from ground surface to a minimum depth of 20 feet. An annular seal less than 20 feet in length is permissible if provisions in Item 1, above, are followed.
- 3. Sealing Off Strata. Additional annular sealing material shall be placed below the minimum depth of the upper annular seal, as is needed, to prevent the movement of poor-quality water, pollutants, and contaminants through the well to zones of good-quality water. Requirements for sealing off zones are in Section 13 of the Water Well Standards.
- 4. Shallow Water Level Observation Wells. Water level observation wells less than 15 feet in total depth that are used to assess root zone drainage in agricultural areas are exempt from an annular surface seal requirement, unless otherwise required by the enforcing agency.
- 5. Areas of Freezing. The top of the annular seal may be below ground surface in areas where freezing is likely. Such areas include those listed in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards. The top of the annular seal shall not be more than 4 feet below ground surface. The remainder of the space above the seal may be made an integral part of a vault, in accordance with Section 10, Subsection E, below.
- 6. Vaults. At the approval of the enforcing agency, the top of the annular seal and well casing can be below ground surface where traffic or other conditions require. In no case shall the top of the annular seal be more than 4 feet below ground surface. The top of the annular seal shall contact a suitable, watertight, structurally-sound subsurface vault, or equivalent feature, that encloses the top of the well casing in accordance with Section 10, Subsection E below. The vault shall extend from the top of the annular seal to at least ground surface.
B. Sealing Conditions.
- 1. Temporary Conductor Casing. If "temporary" conductor casing is used during drilling, it shall be removed during the placement of the casing and annular seal materials, as described in Section 9 of the Water Wells Standards. If the temporary conductor casing "cannot" be removed, as defined in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards, sealing material shall be placed between the conductor casing and borehole wall, and between the well casing and conductor casing, in accordance with methods described in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards. Sealing material shall extend to at least the depths specified in Subsection A of this section.
- 2. Permanent Conductor Casing. If a permanent conductor casing is to be installed, the monitoring well borehole diameter shall be at least 4 inches greater than the outside diameter of the conductor casing. The inner diameter of the permanent conductor casing shall in turn be at least 4 inches greater than the outside diameter of the well casing. Sealing material shall be placed between the permanent conductor casing and the borehole wall, and the conductor casing and the well casing. The sealing material shall extend to at least the depths specified in Subsection A of this section.
C. Radial Thickness of Seal. A minimum of two inches of sealing material shall be maintained between all casings and the borehole wall, within the interval to be sealed, except as noted in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards. At least two inches of the sealing material shall also be maintained between all "casings" in a borehole, within the interval to be sealed unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. Additional space shall be provided, where needed, to allow casings to be properly centralized and spaced and allow the use of a tremie pipe during well construction (if required), especially for deeper wells.
D. Sealing Material. Sealing material shall consist of neat cement, sand- cement, or bentonite clay. Cement-based sealing material shall be used opposite fractured rock, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. Concrete shall be used only with the approval of the enforcing agency. Sealing material shall be selected based on required structural, handling, and sealing properties, and the chemical environment into which it is placed. Used drilling mud or cuttings from drilling shall not be used for any part of sealing material.
- 1. Water. Water used for sealing mixtures should generally be of drinking water quality, shall be compatible with the type of sealing material used, shall be free of petroleum and petroleum products, and shall be free of suspended matter. Good-quality water is necessary to ensure that sealing materials achieve proper consistency for placement and achieve adequate structural and sealing properties. Nonpotable water can sometimes be used for preparing cement-based sealing materials. In no case shall the concentration of chloride in water used in cement-based sealing material exceed 2,000 milligrams per liter. Sulfate shall not exceed 1,500 mg/l. Water used for sealing material shall be chemically analyzed if unknown. Only drinking-quality water of known composition should be used for preparing sealing mixtures for monitoring wells to be used for sensitive water-quality determinations.
2. Cement-Based Sealing Materials. Discussion and standards for cement- based sealing materials are contained in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards. Special considerations that apply to monitoring wells are:
- a. Additives. Care should be exercised in the use of special additives for cement-based sealing materials, such as those used for modifying cement setting times. Some additives could interfere with sensitive water quality determinations.
- b. Cooling Water. In the case of water quality monitoring wells, care should be exercised in the use of circulating cooling water to protect plastic casing from heat build-up during setting of cement-based sealing materials. Water introduced and/or circulated in a well for cooling could interfere with water quality determinations.
- 3. Bentonite-Based Sealing Materials. Discussion and standards for bentonite-based sealing materials are contained in Section 9 of the Water Well Standards.
E. Transition Seal. A bentonite-based transition seal, up to 5 feet in length, is often placed in the annular space to separate filter pack and cement-based sealing materials. The transition seal can prevent cement-based sealing materials from infiltrating the filter pack. A short interval of fine-grain sand, usually less than 2 feet in length, is often placed between the filter pack and the bentonite transition seal to prevent bentonite from entering the filter pack. Also, fine sand is sometimes used in place of bentonite as the transition seal material. Fine grain forms of bentonite, such as granules and powder, are usually employed for a transition seal if a transition seal is to be placed above the water level in a well boring. Coarse forms of bentonite, such as pellets and chips, are often used where a bentonite transition seal is to be placed below the water level. Transition seals should be installed by using a tremie pipe or equivalent. However, some forms of bentonite may tend to bridge or clog in a tremie pipe. Bentonite can be replaced in the well annulus in dry form or as slurry for transition seals. Water should be added to the bentonite transition seal prior to the placement of cement-based sealing materials where the bentonite is dry in the borehole. Care should be exercised during the addition of water to the borehole to prevent displacing the bentonite. Water should be added to bentonite at a ratio of about 1 gallon for every 2 pounds of bentonite to allow for proper hydration. Water added to bentonite for hydration or to make a slurry shall be of suitable quality and free of pollutants and contaminants. Sufficient time should be allowed for bentonite transition seals to properly hydrate before cement-based sealing materials are placed. Normally, ½ to 1 hour is required for hydration to occur. Actual time of hydration is a function of site conditions. The top of the transition seal shall be sounded to ensure that no bridging occurred during placement.
F. Placement of Annular Seal Material. All loose cuttings and other obstructions shall be removed from the annular space before sealing materials are placed. Sealing may be accomplished by using pressure grouting techniques, a tremie pipe, or equivalent. Sealing materials shall be installed as soon as possible during well construction operations. Sealing materials shall not be installed by "free-fall" from the surface unless the interval to be sealed is dry and less than 30 feet deep. Casing spacers shall be used within the interval(s) to be sealed to separate individual well casing strings from one another in a borehole of a nested monitoring well. The spacers shall be placed at intervals along the casing to ensure a minimum separation of 2 inches between individual casing strings. Spacers shall be constructed of corrosion- resistant metal, plastic, or other non-degradable material. Wood shall not be used as spacer material. Any metallic component of a spacer used with metallic casing shall consist of the same material as the casing. Metallic spacer components shall meet the same metallurgical specifications and standards as the casing to reduce the potential for galvanic corrosion of the casing. The spacing of casing spacers is normally dictated by casing materials used, the orientation and straightness of the borehole, and the method used to install the casing. Spacers shall not be more than 12 inches in length and shall not be placed closer than 10 feet apart along a casing string within the interval to be sealed, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. Casing spacers shall be designed to allow the proper passage and distribution of sealing material around casing(s) within the interval(s) to be sealed. Additional discussion and standards for placement of the annular seal are contained in Section 9, Section 13, and Appendix B of the Water Well Standards.
Section 10. Surface Construction Features
Surface construction features of a monitoring well shall serve to prevent physical damage to the well; prevent entrance of surface water, pollutants, and contaminants; and prevent unauthorized access.
A. Locking Cover. The top of a monitoring well shall be protected by a locking cover or equivalent level of protection to prevent unauthorized access.
B. Casing Cap. The top of a monitoring well casing shall be fitted with a cap or "sanitary seal" to prevent surface water, pollutants, or contaminants from entering the well bore. Openings or passages for water level measurement, venting, pump power cables, discharge tubing, and other access shall be protected against entry of surface water, pollutants, and contaminants.
C. Flooding. The top of the well casing shall terminate above ground surface and known levels of flooding, except where site conditions, such as vehicular traffic, will not allow.
D. Bases. Unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency, a concrete base or pad shall be constructed around the top of a monitoring well casing at ground surface and contact the annular seal, unless the top of the casing is below ground surface as provided by Subsection E, below. The base shall be at least 4 inches thick and shall slope to drain away from the well casing. The base shall extend at least two feet laterally in all directions from the outside of the well boring, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. The base shall be free of cracks, voids, and other significant defects likely to prevent water tightness. Contacts between the base and the annular seal, and the base and the well casing must be water tight and must not cause the failure of the well casing or annular seal. Where cement-based annular sealing material is used, the concrete base shall be poured before the annular seal has set, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
E. Vaults. At the approval of the enforcing agency, the top of the well casing may be below ground surface because of traffic or other critical considerations. A structurally-sound watertight vault, or equivalent feature, shall be installed to house the top of a monitoring well that is below ground surface. The vault shall extend from the top of the annular seal to at least ground surface. In no case shall the top of the annular seal be more than 4 feet below ground surface. The vault shall contact the annular seal in a manner to form a watertight and structurally sound connection. Contacts between the vault and the annular seal, and the vault and the well casing, if any, shall not fail or cause the failure of the well casing or annular seal. Where cement-based annular seal materials are used, the vault shall be set into or contact the annular seal material before it sets, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. If bentonite-based sealing material is used for the annular seal, the vault should be set into the bentonite before it is fully hydrated. Cement-based sealing material shall be placed between the outer walls of the vault and the excavation into which it is placed to form a proper, structurally sound foundation for the vault, and to seal the space between the vault and excavation. Bentonite-based sealing material may be used between the vault and excavation at the approval of the enforcing agency. Sealing material surrounding a vault shall extend from the top of the annular seal to ground surface, unless precluded in areas of freezing. If cement-based sealing material is used for both the annular seal and the space between the excavation and vault, the sealing material shall be placed in a "continuous pour." In other words, cement-based sealing material shall be placed between the vault and excavation and contact the cement-based annular seal before the annular seal has set. The vault cover or lid shall be watertight but shall allow the venting of gases, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency. The lid shall be fitted with a security device to prevent unauthorized access. The lid shall be strong enough to support vehicular traffic where such traffic might occur. The top of the vault shall be set at or above grade so drainage is away from the vault. The top of the well casing contained within the vault shall be covered in accordance with requirements under Subsections A and B, above, so that water, contaminants, or pollutants that may enter the vault will not enter the well casing.
F. Protection From Vehicles. Protective steel posts, or the equivalent, shall be installed around a monitoring well casing where it is terminated above ground surface in areas of vehicular traffic. The posts shall be easily seen and shall protect the well from vehicular impact.
Additional requirements for surface construction features are in Section 10 of the Water Well Standards.
Section 11. Filter Pack
Monitoring well filter pack material shall consist of nonreactive, smooth, rounded, spherical, granular material of highly uniform size and known composition. Filter pack material shall not degrade or consolidate after placement. The grain-size of the filter pack shall be matched to the slot size of the well screen so that any movement of filter pack material into the well will be limited to prevent significant voids in the filter pack that could ultimately destabilize the annular seal.
Filter pack material shall be obtained from clean sources. Filter pack material should be washed and properly packaged for handling, delivery, and storage, if used in monitoring wells constructed for sensitive water quality determinations.
Care should be exercised in the storage of filter pack materials at a drilling site to ensure the material does not come into contact with pollutants or contaminants. Care should also be exercised to prevent the introduction of foreign substances, such as clay or vegetative matter, that might interfere with the placement and function of the filter pack.
Filter pack material shall be placed in the well boring by use of a tremie pipe or equivalent. The depth of the top of the filter pack shall be carefully checked and the volume of emplaced filter pack material verified to determine that filter pack materials have not bridged during installation.
Section 12. Casing
The term "casing" in its broadest sense includes all tubular materials that are permanent features of a well. Screens, collars, risers, liners, and blank casing in monitoring wells maintain the well bore and provide a passage for groundwater level measurement and/or sample-collection devices. Protective casing serves to prevent accidental or intentional damage to a well. Protective casing normally consists of heavy gauge metallic pipe placed over the portion of the well casing that extends above ground surface. Conductor casing usually functions as a temporary means of shoring the walls of a well boring to allow drilling and the placement of well construction materials. If used, temporary conductor casing is usually driven into place during drilling and is withdrawn at the same time filter pack and annular seal materials are installed around the well casing. Sometimes conductor casing is left in place and is made a permanent feature of the completed well structure. Requirements for sealing permanent conductor casing in place are contained in Section 9. For the purpose of these standards, the term "casing" applies to screens, collars, risers, and blank casing, and other specialized products used to maintain the well bore. General discussion and standards for casing materials are contained in Section 12 of the Water Well Standards. Special considerations that apply to monitoring well casing are described below:
A.Casing Material.
- 1. Chemical Compatibility. Special considerations shall be given to the selection of casing materials for monitoring wells installed in environments that are chemically "hostile". The selected casing shall resist chemical attack and corrosion. Special consideration should be given to the selection of casing materials for wells to be used for sensitive water-quality determinations. Chemical interaction between casing materials and pollutants, contaminants, groundwater, filter pack material, and geologic materials could bias ground- water quality determinations.
- 2. Used Casing. Used casing may be acceptable in certain cases, at the approval of the enforcing agency.
3.Plastic and Steel Casing. Plastic and steel well casing materials are commonly used for monitoring wells. The principal plastics used for water- quality monitoring wells are thermoplastics and fluorocarbon resins. Standards for thermoplastic well casing are in Section 12 of the Water Well Standards. The principal thermoplastic material used for water quality monitoring wells is polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
Fluorocarbon casing materials include fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). Fluorocarbon resin casing materials are generally considered immune to chemical attack. Fluorocarbon casing materials shall meet the following specifications, including the latest revisions thereof:
- a. ASTM D3296, Standard Specification for FEP-Fluorocarbon Tube.
- b. ASTM D3295, Standard Specifications for PTFE Tubing. Stainless steel is the most common form of metallic casing in monitoring wells constructed for sensitive water quality determinations. Stainless steel casing shall meet the provisions of ASTM A312, Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless Pipe, and shall meet general requirements for tubular steel products in Section 12 of the Water Well Standards.
B. Multiple Screens. Monitoring well casing strings shall not have openings in multiple water-bearing units (multi-level monitoring wells), if poor- quality water, pollutants, or contaminants in units penetrated by the well could pass through the openings and move to other units penetrated by the well and degrade groundwater quality, unless otherwise approved by the enforcing agency.
C. Bottom Plugs. The bottom of a monitoring well casing shall be plugged or capped to prevent sediment or rock from entering the well.
D. Casing Installation. Discussion and standards for the installation of casing materials are in Section 12 of the Water Well Standards. Special considerations for monitoring wells are:
- 1. Cleanliness. Casing, couplings, centralizers, and other components of well casing shall be clean and free of pollutants and contaminants at the time of installation.
- 2. Joining Plastic Casing. Depending on the type of material and its fabrication, plastic casing shall be joined (threaded or otherwise coupled) in a manner that ensures its water tightness. Organic solvent welding cements or glues should not be used for joining plastic casing if glues or cement compounds could interfere with water-quality determinations.
- 3. Impact. Casing shall not be subjected to significant impact during installation that may damage or weaken the casing.
Section 13. Well Development
Monitoring well development, redevelopment, and reconditioning shall be performed with care so as to prevent damage to the well and any strata surrounding the well that serve to restrict the movement of poor-quality water, pollutants, and contaminants. Developments, redevelopment, and reconditioning operations shall be performed with special care where a well has been constructed in an area of known or suspected pollution or contamination. Such special care is necessary to prevent the spread of pollutants and contaminants in the environment and to protect public health and safety. Water, sediment and other waste removed from a monitoring well for "development" operations shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable federal, State, and local requirements. The enforcing agency should be contacted concerning the proper disposal of waste from development operations. Appropriate methods of well development vary with the type and use of monitoring a well. Development methods that may be acceptable under certain circumstances include:
- A. Mechanical Surging. Plungers, bailers, surge blocks, and other surging devices shall incorporate safety valves or vents to prevent excessive pressure differentials that could damage casing or screen.
- B. Overpumping and Pump Surging. Overpumping and surging may not be suitable for development of wells producing large amounts of sediment because of the potential for clogging or jamming of pumps.
- C. Air Development. Some air development methods are not acceptable for monitoring wells to be used for sensitive water-quality determinations.
- D. Water Jetting. Water used in jetting operations shall be free of pollutants and contaminants. Water-jetting methods are not always acceptable for monitoring wells used for sensitive water-quality determinations.
- E. Chemical Development. Extreme care shall be exercised in the use of chemicals for monitoring well development. It is often unacceptable to use chemicals for developing monitoring wells to be used for water-quality determinations. Chemicals introduced for development shall be completely removed from the well, filter pack, and water-bearing strata accessed by the well immediately after development operations are completed. methods described above are sometimes used in combination.
Section 14. Rehabilitation and Repair of Monitoring Wells
For the purpose of these standards, "well rehabilitation" includes the treatment of a well to recover loss in yield caused by intrusion or clogging of the screen, filter pack, and/or water-bearing strata adjoining the well. Well rehabilitation methods that may, in certain cases, be acceptable for monitoring wells include mechanical surging, backwashing or surging by alternately starting or stopping a pump, surging with air, water jetting, sonic cleaning, chemical treatment, or combinations of these.
Rehabilitation methods shall be performed with care to prevent damage to the well and any barriers that serve to restrict the movement of poor-quality water, pollutants, or contaminants. Chemicals used for rehabilitation shall be completely removed from the well, filter pack, and water-bearing strata accessed by the well immediately after rehabilitation operations are completed. Chemicals, water, and other waste shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable federal, State, and local requirements. The enforcing agency should be contacted regarding the proper disposal of waste from rehabilitation operations.
Rehabilitation methods should be compatible with the use of the monitoring well. Special care should be given to the selection of rehabilitation methods for water-quality monitoring wells.
Materials used for repairing well casing shall meet the requirements of Section 12 of these standards.
Section 15. Temporary Cover
The well or borehole opening and any associated excavations shall be covered at the surface to ensure public safety and to prevent the entry of foreign material, water, contaminants, and pollutants whenever work is interrupted by such events as overnight shutdown, poor weather, and required waiting periods to allow setting of sealing materials and the performance of tests. The cover shall be held in place or weighted down in such a manner that it cannot be removed except by equipment or tools.Quick Links
- Bulletin 74-81 Introduction
- Bulletin 74-90 Introduction
- Part I. General, Water Well Standards
- Part II. Water Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Water Wells
- Monitoring Well Standards, Introduction
- Part I. Monitoring Well Standards, General
- Part II. Monitoring Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Monitoring Wells
- Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- Part I. General, Cathodic Protection Well Standards
- Part II. Cathodic Protection Well Construction
- Part III. Destruction of Cathodic Protection Wells
- Appendices