DWR’s Operations and Maintenance Apprenticeship Program has released four exams that are the first step in applying for a career with DWR as an electrician, operator, mechanic, or utility craftsworker.
DWR’s Operations and Maintenance Apprenticeship Program has released four exams that are the first step in applying for a career with DWR as an electrician, operator, mechanic, or utility craftsworker.
Lake Oroville Community Update for June 9, 2023.
Over $217 million of state funds will be invested back into 44 local projects that will help communities adapt to a hotter and drier future thanks to grant funding provided by the Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) Urban Community Drought Relief Program.
After seeing some positive results with releasing hatchery-raised Delta smelt into the wild in 2022, DWR and partners are now experimenting with hard and soft release methods to see if there is a chance for even greater success and improved species survival.
Lake Oroville Community Update for June 2, 2023.
DWR is using the latest genetic technologies to more accurately identify endangered fish at the State Water Project pumps in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
As California transitions to a hotter, drier future with greater swings between flood and drought conditions like we’ve seen this past year, DWR is continuing to prepare for the long-term impact on water management.
Lake Oroville Community Update for May 26, 2023.
As California experiences more extreme swings between wet and dry periods, DWR continues to deploy innovative forecasting and water management strategies for the State Water Project (SWP) to adapt to California’s changing climate.
DWR is using a unique piece of State Water Project SWP infrastructure for the first time since 2006 to reduce the amount of flood waters going into Tulare Lake in the Central Valley.