Showing 860 of 1967 results

Groundwater Recharge

Groundwater recharge is a key strategy throughout California to manage water through climate-driven weather extremes, including prolonged drought and periodic i ...

Groundwater Recharge - Capturing Water from Storms to Replenish Stressed Groundwater Basins

The wet winter storms in January 2023 have brought a lot of water that has the potential to be stored underground to replenish groundwater basins and help mitig ...

Groundwater Sustainability Agencies

The Sustainable Groundwater Act (SGMA) established a new structure for managing California’s groundwater resources at the local level by local agencies. SGMA re ...

Groundwater Sustainability Agency Forum

DWR will host a public GSA Forum for GSA members and stakeholders . The Forum will highlight various GSA efforts to facilitate the exchange of ideas, establish ...

Groundwater Sustainability Plans

Information on latest reviewed Groundwater Sustainability Plans

Groundwater Trading Workshops - California Water Commission, October 28, 2021

The California Water Commission, in support of Water Resilience PortfolioAction 3.6, will hold public workshops to explore ways that the State can support in-ba ...

Groundwater Trading Workshops -California Water Commission, October 29, 2021

The California Water Commission, in support of Water Resilience Portfolio Action 3.6, will hold public workshops to explore ways that the State can support in-b ...

Groundwater: DWR Helps Locals Protect This Valued Resource

“You never know the worth of water till the well runs dry,” warns an old English proverb. Fortunately for Californians, the State recognized several years ago t ...

Harnessing Series of Winter Storms, California Increases State Water Project Allocation

DWR today announced a significant boost in the forecasted State Water Project (SWP) deliveries this year due to continued winter storms in March and a massive S ...

Historic 2023 Water Year Delivered Big Boost to California’s Groundwater Supplies

DWR released the latest Semi-Annual Groundwater Conditions report, and the data show that California achieved 4.1 million acre-feet of managed groundwater recha ...

Historically Dry Conditions Impact Planned State Water Project Deliveries

DWR announced it must reduce the State Water Project allocation to 5 percent of requested supplies for 2022. DWR previously set the allocation at 15 percent but ...


In 1955, severe flooding killed 64 people and caused $200 million in property damage in Northern and Central California. In response, Governor Goodwin J. Knight ...


Before gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in 1848, California was "virgin" land. As described by S.T. Harding in his 1960 "Water in California," there were no ...

History of California Dam Safety

The Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD's) responsibilities have been shaped by incidents at 3 dams. The facilities were not owned, managed, or built by DWR, but t ...

History of the Executive Order

The California Water Action Plan sets our path toward sustainable water use and the ability to withstand changing climate conditions and droughts.

How DWR is Continuing Critical Operations Through Ongoing Public Health Emergency

DWR continues operations to maintain critical functions while modifying the way we work in the face of the coronavirus to protect our staff.

How DWR Research is Improving Forecasting for California's Variable Climate

California has the most variable weather conditions in the United States, often varying between extremes such as drought and flood. Our ability to forecast vari ...

How Modernizing Infrastructure Can Help to Capture More Storm Flow

The series of atmospheric river storms that brought record-breaking amounts of rain and snow this year has many Californians asking if our existing water infras ...

How Partnering Helps DWR

With the goals of zero accidents and claims, on time, within budget, and meeting quality objectives, DWR’s Collaborative Partnering Program is a vital tool for ...

