DWR Updates

image of nutria, an invasive species

California Invasive Species Action Week, which takes place June 6 to 14, is a statewide campaign designed to educate the public on non-native species that threaten the State’s natural resources.

Aerial view looking south-west of the Dutch Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration Project the construction site, in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta near Oakley, California. Mt. Diablo can be seen in the background.

This spring marked the fifth anniversary of the California EcoRestore initiative, a coordinated effort across state agencies to deliver 30,000 acres of restored fish and wildlife habitat in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, an immensely important landscape that five years ago only had 5 percent of its native habitat remaining.

Department of Water Resources engineering geologists Aaron Cuthbertson (right) and Kimberly Bowman measure groundwater levels at a designated monitoring well, one of thousands of wells in California used to generate groundwater level change reports.

Groundwater is an important resource for Californians because rain and snowfall levels can vary dramatically from year to year. Groundwater provides 40 percent of the state’s water supply in normal years and up to 60 percent in dry years when surface water in lakes, rivers and reservoirs may be reduced.

