Showing 1480 of 1966 results

Public Comment Period Opens for Draft County Drought Resilience Plan Guidebook

DWR is pleased to announce a public comment period for the Draft County Drought Resilience Plan Guidebook.

Public Comment Period Opens for Regional Flood Management Assistance Program Funding Guidelines

DWR released the draft Regional Flood Management Assistance Program (RFMAP) Guidelines for a 45-day public comment period.

Public Comment Period Opens for Riverine Stewardship Grant Program

DWR announced the opening of the public comment period for the Riverine Stewardship Program: San Joaquin Fish Population Enhancement Program (SJFPEP) & Urban St ...

Public Comment Period Opens for Riverine Stewardship Program

DWR announced the opening of the public comment period for the Riverine Stewardship Program: San Joaquin Fish Population Enhancement Program (SJFPEP) & Urban St ...

Public Comment Period Opens for Statewide Flood Emergency Response Grant Program, Third Round

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is pleased to announce a 15-day public comment period for the draft directed funding recommendations of the S ...

Public Comment Period Opens for Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program

The California Department of Water Resources announced the opening of the 45-day public comment period for the Draft Proposition 68 2019 Sustainable Groundwate ...

Public Comment Period: Feather River Fish Monitoring Station Draft Initial Study and Proposed Mitigation Negative Declaration

DWR's Division of Integrated Science and Engineering and State Water Project Ecosystem Improvement Branch announces a 30-day public comment period for the Feath ...

Public Comment Period: Hood Abandoned Pipes and Conduit Removal Project (Proposed Project) Draft Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration

DWR’s Division of Integrated Science and Engineering announces a 37-day public comment period for the Hood Abandoned Pipes and Conduit Removal Project (Proposed ...

Public Comment Period: Juvenile Salmonid Collection System Pilot Project at Shasta Reservoir - McCloud River Arm

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is pleased to announce a 30-day public comment period for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration fo ...

Public comments meeting for the Draft Environmental Assessment for the Salton Sea Management Program 10-Year Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has prepared the Draft Environmental Assessment to analyze and disclose the effects of implementing the Salton Sea Management P ...

Public comments meeting for the Draft Environmental Assessment for the Salton Sea Management Program 10-Year Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has prepared the Draft Environmental Assessment to analyze and disclose the effects of implementing the Salton Sea Management P ...

Public Comments Meeting for the Draft Environmental Assessment for the Salton Sea Management Program 10-Year Plan

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has prepared the Draft Environmental Assessment to analyze and disclose the effects of implementing the Salton Sea Management P ...

Public Forms

DWR Public forms

Public Hearing for New Dam Safety Enforcement Regulations

The Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams, will hold a hearing on the recently proposed enforcement regulations.

Public Information

Delta Conveyance Project Public Information and Resources

Public Meeting - SB 19 Stream Gaging Plan

The SB 19 Technical Team will host a public meeting to provide background on Senate Bill No. 19, an overview of the California Stream Gaging Prioritization Plan ...

Public Meeting and Comment Period on Draft Funding Recommendation Water Desalination Grant Program - Prop 1 Grants Continuous Application

Since the March 30, 2018 start date of the continuous application period, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) has received 11 applications in response to th ...

Public Meeting for Delta Conveyance Contract Amendments—August 26, 2019

The public meeting series for the Delta Conveyance project SWP water contract amendments continues August 26 at the Sacramento Courtyard Marriott.

Public Meeting for State Water Project Contract Amendment for California WaterFix

A public meeting to discuss the SWP Water Supply Contract Amendment for Water Management and California WaterFix is set for May 20, 2019.

