DWR Updates

Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook Salmon

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is one of the largest estuaries in North America, providing habitat for around 500 plant and animal species, including about 50 species of fish. Approximately two thirds of California's salmon pass through the Delta on their way upstream to spawn.

Historical and projected California snowpack

Rain and snowfall in California have always been inconsistent and unpredictable. It is our climate’s natural state. The realities of climate change, that take the inconsistent nature of precipitation in California to an extreme, are making water management that much more of a challenge. The proposed Delta Conveyance Project is just one way the stat ...

Environmental Justice Delta Conveyance graphic

As efforts continue to plan and obtain all permits for a single tunnel project to modernize Delta conveyance, the Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) ongoing environmental review process will provide the public an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed project, including the potential environmental impacts and associated mitigation meas ...

DWR geologists measure groundwater levels at designated monitoring wells in Yolo County

This month, California’s efforts toward improving the management of our state’s critical groundwater supply is taking an important step forward. DWR is releasing the determinations and written assessments for dozens of plans submitted for review in 2020.

A cabin in the Sierra Nevada near Phillips Station where the first snow survey of the season took place December 30, 2021.

Most Californians have been experiencing a very wet holiday season. December storms have brought significant rain and record-breaking snow, sending water into our parched state reservoirs and adding to our Sierra Nevada snowpack, which is running well above average for this time in the season.

