Showing 1880 of 1889 results found for "water management"

Community Benefits Program

DWR is developing a Community Benefits Program for the Delta Conveyance Project which will ultimately identify and implement commitments to help protect and enh ...

California Aqueduct Subsidence Program - Tribal Engagement

Tribal engagement is an important component of every major project led by the State of California, providing an opportunity for government-to-government consult ...

Collaborative Partnering Program

Partnering is an important part of DWR's commitment to working with its construction contractors on all projects to achieve common goals and objectives.

Dam Safety and Climate Resilience Local Assistance Program

The Dam Safety and Climate Resilience Local Assistance Program (DSCR) provides State funding for repairs, rehabilitation, enhancements, and other dam safety pro ...

Implementation Grant Program

The IRWM Implementation Grant Program provides funding for implementation projects that meet the intent of Proposition 1, Chapter 7.

Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan is the Department’s guide to addressing climate change in the programs, projects, and activities over which it has authority.

Tribal Policy

California Native American tribal governments and tribal communities have sovereign authority over their members and territory and a unique relationship with Ca ...

Community Rating System

The National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community and state ...

Underrepresented Communities Technical Assistance Program (URC TA Program)

The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), passed in 2014, requires the development of Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSP) by Groundwater Sustainabil ...

