Showing 740 of 1967 results

DWR-Funded Restoration Project in Oakland Improves Water Quality, Fish Habitat

Local agencies, State government representatives, and community members came together May 11 to celebrate the completion of the Upper Sausal Creek Erosion Contr ...

DWR-Netherlands Collaboration

Climate change staff shares an approach to climate change planning with the the Netherlands.

DWR’s Apprenticeship Program Celebrates 50 Years of Success

Since the inception of DWR's Operation and Maintenance apprentice program in 1971, 581 apprentices have graduated from the program, which guarantees jobs as jou ...

DWR’s Drainage Reuse Grant Program Offers $1 Million in Competetive Grants

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has released the Final 2020 Guidelines and Proposal Solicitation Package for the Drainage Reuse Grant Program.

DWR’s Innovative Underground Aquifer Mapping Project Reaches Major Milestone: Data Now Available for Entire Central Valley

DWR's innovative Statewide Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) Survey Project has now released AEM data for the entire Central Valley of California, marking a major ...

DWR’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program Offers $47.75 Million in Competitive Grants

DWR released the final Guidelines and Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) for the Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program. Grant applications can be su ...

DWR’s Water Desalination Grant Program Begins Accepting Applications

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has re-opened the Continuous Application Process (CAP) for the Water Desalination Grant Program and is now accepting app ...

DWR’s Water Desalination Grant Program will Begin Accepting Applications

DWR has re-opened the Continuous Application Process (CAP) for the Water Desalination Grant Program and will accept applications on September 1 to desalinate na ...

Early Winter Storms Produce Sierra Snow, But Water Content Remains Below Average

The Department of Water Resources (DWR) conducted the first Phillips Station snow survey of 2019 on Jan. 3.

Early Winter Storms Provide Much-Needed Sierra Snowpack

DWR conducted the first snow survey of the season at Phillips Station. Early winter storms this month provided a strong start to the season and some drought rel ...

East Branch Extension Grand Opening

DWR completes the construction of the East Branch Extension on February 22, 2018, in coordination with the San Bernadino Valley Municipal Water District and Sa ...

East Porterville Water Supply Project Connects 755 Homes

Today, a partnership of state and local agencies, working to help homeowners affected by California’s multi-year drought, finished connecting 755 homes to a saf ...

Ecological and Physiological Impacts of Salinization of Aquatic Systems Symposium

The symposium will shine a light on the impending salinization of delta and estuarine systems as an under-appreciated component of global climate change.

Economic Analysis Shows Value of Investing in WaterFix

Today DWR released a Benefit-Cost Analysis for California WaterFix by Dr. David Sunding, a professor of natural resource economics at UC Berkeley, that finds Wa ...

Economic Analysis Shows Value of Investing in WaterFix - February 13, 2018

Today, the Department of Water Resources (DWR) released a Cost-Benefit Analysis for California WaterFix by Dr. David Sunding, a professor of natural resource ec ...

Economic Analysis Shows Value of Investing in WaterFix: California Water Users Will See Benefits Far Exceeding Costs

DWR released a Benefit-Cost Analysis for California WaterFix by Dr. David Sunding, a professor of natural resource economics at UC Berkeley, that finds WaterFix ...

Economic Modeling and Analysis Tools

We provide technical assistance and policy guidance for economic and demographic analyses to sustainably manage California’s water resources.

EcoRestore: 5 Years, Thousands of Acres of Restored Habitat

This spring marked the fifth anniversary of the California EcoRestore initiative, a coordinated effort across state agencies to deliver 30,000 acres of restored ...

EcoRestore: Restoring California's Great Estuary

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is the largest estuary on the West Coast. It’s a maze of floodplains, rich farmlands, and leveed waterways that helps provide f ...

Educating and Inspiring the Next Generation

Since 1977, DWR’s water education program has helped California’s teachers educate their students about one of our most essential resources – water. In 2017, we ...

