Little Egbert Multi-Benefit Project

Little Egbert Track during 1997 flooding event.

Little Egbert Track during 1997 flooding event.

The proposed Little Egbert Multi-Benefit Project (LEMBP) would provide flood conveyance improvement and habitat restoration in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The roughly 3,150-acre Project site (Little Egbert Tract) is located at the eastern edge of Solano County at the terminus of the Yolo Bypass, immediately upstream of the City of Rio Vista.

The current proposed project site is privately owned and cultivated for row crops and alfalfa. The site is below sea-level and protected by a restricted-height levee that is designed to overtop during high water events to reduce pressure on upstream levees. Sea-level rise and climate change are expected to reduce the effectiveness of these aging levees. The proposed project would restore approximately 3,000 acres of habitat, while allowing increased flood conveyance at the southern end of the Yolo Bypass.  


Goals for the proposed project include:

  • Enhance Public Safety: Increase the flood flow capacity within the Lower Yolo Bypass. Reduce local and regional flood risk to agricultural and urban areas.
  • Natural Ecosystem Protection and Enhancement: Preserve and enhance riparian and other native habitats to contribute to the recovery and sustainability of native species.
  • Protect and Enhance Recreation Opportunities: Provide improved or new public outdoor recreation, education, and open space opportunities.

To achieve the project goals, DWR proposes the following actions.

  • Degrade portions of the existing restricted-height (eastern/outboard) levee along Cache Slough and construct inflow and outflow openings along Cache Slough to connect the floodplain and improve conveyance during flood events.  
  • Improve and/or repair existing State Plan of Flood Control levees and other local infrastructure and flood features to accommodate increased on-site flows. 
  • Grade and place fill material to construct subtidal swales and habitat berms, to provide rearing habitat for fisheries and establish native habitats.   
  • Revegetate with native trees, shrubs, and marsh plant species to restore and enhance upland, tidal, subtidal, and floodplain habitat.


This proposed project is identified in the Central Valley Flood Protection Plan as a key multi-benefit project. It was initially analyzed in a 2018 Project Concept Study commissioned by Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency on behalf of the Lower Sacramento – Delta North Regional Flood Management Planning team. It was further analyzed through the 2023 Little Egbert Multi-Benefit Project Feasibility Study. The proposed project is being evaluated through a partnership between the Little Egbert Joint Powers Agency (LEJPA) and DWR.

PROJECT STATUS (Check back here for updates)

December 2023DWR is currently advancing through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Analysis process. The design team is developing proposed alternative terrain surfaces to support hydraulic modeling efforts and doing site visits to nearby locales to refine the recreation concepts being incorporated into the alternatives. The proposed improvements for the levee design are continuing, and the environmental team is continuing biological and cultural surveys to assess current resources on site. The team is working hard to prepare the alternatives being considered for the Little Egbert Multi-Benefit Project.

During September 2023, DWR hosted the following topic-focused meetings related to LEMBP. The presentations are now available in accessible format to view!  Please click on the titles below to see the PowerPoint information from the presentation.

  Meeting Dates and Topics:
September 12 Project Overview and Feasibility Study Result
September 15, 2023: Hydrology and Hydraulics
        September 19, 2023: Agriculture
        September 25, 2023: Ecosystem Enhancement
September 26, 2023: Recreation

DWR is also refining project goals and objectives for the CEQA analysis based on input received during these meetings.

Please continue to check back for more information on the Little Egbert Multi-Benefit Project! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Project Team Leads at

June 2023 – DWR released the Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR), consistent with the requirements of CEQA. The Public Scoping comment period will be open for 45 days following the release of the NOP.

Two virtual public scoping meetings were held to present information to the public and to receive comments on the proposed project, alternatives, and the scope of the environmental analysis. Recordings of the first meeting and second meeting are available to view.

Access this NOP, Project number SCH#2023060369 at the State Clearinghouse website CEQAnet

Virtual Scoping Meetings - Recordings now available!

June 26th Recording
June 29th Recording



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