Notice of Availability and Intent for the Butte Slough Outfall Gates Repair Project


The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has released a Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) for a 30-day public review. The proposed project site is located on Butte Slough adjacent to its confluence with the Sacramento River. The project site is located approximately 5 miles downstream from the town of Colusa in both Sutter and Colusa counties. 

DWR proposes several maintenance repairs include installing supplemental outlet headwall support, replacing the existing inlet catwalk, repairing the inlet slide gates, installing a new facility control building, and installing water flow/condition monitoring equipment. These maintenance repairs would address both short-term flood safety goals and contribute to the longer-term objective of extending the functional life of the facility. 

The Draft IS/MND concludes that the project could have a significant effect on the environment, but with mitigation incorporated, all impacts would be less than significant. 

The documents are also available for in-person review at: 

Department of Water Resources, 
Division of Flood Management, 
Flood Maintenance and Operations Branch (FMO), 
Environmental Support Section, 
3310 El Camino Avenue, Room 140, 
Sacramento, CA 95821.

Written comments on the environmental document should be received by the close of business on July 24, 2024, and sent to Kristin Ford via e-mail to at Comments can also be mailed to:

California Department of Water Resources
Division of Flood Management
Flood Maintenance and Operations Branch (FMO)
Environmental Support Section
Attn: Kristin Ford
P.O. Box 219000
Sacramento, CA 95821-9000