Virtual Information Meeting for North Fork Feather Above Lake Almanor Fish Passage Feasibility Study
Join the Department of Water Resources (DWR) virtually for an informational meeting about the Feasibility Study Evaluating the Potential for Salmon Reintroduction to the North Fork Feather River Watershed Above Lake Almanor. The virtual meeting will be hosted via Zoom on Tuesday, June 6 from 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
This meeting will include a short presentation outlining the study objectives and approach, current activities, and the study timeline followed by a question and answer session. DWR welcomes your ideas and input on the feasibility study as it moves through the planning process. DWR is also hosting an in-person meeting the following day.
To attend the virtual meeting:
Join via Zoom at
Call-in Only: 1-877-853-5247
Meeting ID: 861 1032 6283
For more information, contact Kerry Klosterman at