National Groundwater Awareness Week (#GWAW2018)

An annual observance established to highlight the responsible development, management, and use of groundwater, the event is also a platform to encourage yearly water well testing and well maintenance to prevent waterborne illnesses.

Established in 1999, National Groundwater Awareness Week provides an opportunity for people to learn about the importance of the resource and how it impacts lives. Approximately 132 million Americans rely on groundwater for drinking water. Groundwater is used for irrigation, livestock, manufacturing, mining, thermoelectric power, and several additional purposes, making it one of the most widely used and valuable natural resources we have.

NGWA encourages every person to be a “groundwater advocate” both during National Groundwater Awareness Week and beyond by protecting and conserving groundwater. Businesses, individuals, educators, students, federal agencies, cities, associations, and everyone in between can share their story through our website or on social media. For downloadable information on the event, including:

  • A social media toolkit
  • Facts about groundwater
  • Event FAQs
  • Logos and graphics
  • Videos



Street Address goes here, City goes here, CA, 99999