DWR Requests Comments on Flood-MAR Research and Data Development Framework
A man uses a tablet computer to monitor and control water levels on his Hanford, California farm. DWR/2012
DWR requests review and comment from interested parties for the draft Flood-MAR Research and Data Development Framework (R&D Framework). The comment period is open until Thursday, Sept. 20.
The purpose of the R&D Framework is to identify and categorize Flood-MAR relevant research themes, and coordinate ongoing and future research and pilot studies around a common research plan.
The R&D Framework identifies gaps in data, information, and knowledge, and outlines methods for developing, reviewing, and distributing information among stakeholders. The R&D Framework also helps inform the development of Flood-MAR reconnaissance studies.
The intended outcomes of the R&D Framework are:
Develop a body of knowledge and an active inventory of technical research needs for the Flood-MAR resource strategy.
Inventory, develop, and coordinate technical expertise related to research needs.
Matrix technical expertise among participating groups and stakeholders to develop and communicate within the Flood-MAR interest communities a clear, concise, and consistent message.
Ensure availability of research and technical expertise for all stakeholders.
Promote long-term and continued research and development.
Provide guidance to stakeholders to support implementation of the Flood-MAR projects.
Please submit your comments to Romain Maendly at Romain.Maendly@water.ca.gov.
Romain Maendly, Senior Engineer
(916) 651-9274 | Romain.Maendly@water.ca.gov
Jenny Marr, Supervising Engineer
(916) 651-9229 | Jennifer.Marr@water.ca.gov