
(Left) Sean de Guzman, chief of California Department of Water Resources (DWR), Snow Surveys and Water Supply Forecasting Section, and Andy Reising, water resource engineer, DWR Snow Survey Section and Water Supply Forecast Section, conducts the final snow survey of the 2020 season at Phillips Station in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The survey was held approximately 90 miles east of Sacramento off Highway 50 in El Dorado County.

California’s Water Year 2020 has come to a close and while Northern California was mostly dry, parts of Southern California experienced above average precipitation. The water year ended below average and further demonstrated the impact of climate change on the state’s water supply.

An irrigation system waters an agricultural field in California.

Updated draft guidance for local water managers in developing state-mandated water management plans have been released for public comment. New elements for the urban and agricultural water management plans reflect lessons learned from the 2014 - 2017 drought, advances in water measurement technology, and a continued commitment to the long-term sust ...

A boat drifts up north the Sacramento River in Sacramento, California, during the afternoon of October 7, 2019.

This month six California and federal agencies representing water management, fish, and wildlife, along with the Sacramento River Settlement Contractors, signed onto the Sacramento River Science Partnership.




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