DWR Updates

Red-tailed hawk on ledge

While adapting to social distancing guidelines and recommendations surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Department of Water Resources (DWR) staff have been continuing reliable water delivery to 27 million people through the State Water Project (SWP).

DWR researchers working on the Tidal Parr Cage Growth Study in the Suisun Marsh.

A DWR study investigating the growth rate of juvenile Chinook salmon raised in the Suisun Marsh area of Solano County was forced to conclude early due to the ongoing COVID-19 health emergency. Despite the change of plans, DWR scientists were still able to gather all pertinent data and are confident the study will provide useful information regardin ...

image of Chi Doan

It’s estimated that the California Gold Rush brought close to 300,000 people from all over the world to our state in the mid-19th century. Among them, were some of the first Asian immigrants to enter the U.S.

