Integrated Water Flow Model - Version 2015 Training

In cooperation with the California Water and Environment Modeling Forum, DWR is hosting a technical workshop on Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM) Version 2015 training. 

IWFM version 2015 is a water resources management and planning tool that simulates land surface and root zone flow processes, groundwater, stream flows, and surface water-groundwater interactions. Major topics covered will include: overview of IWFM-2015, simulation of groundwater flow, lakes and lake-groundwater interactions, demonstration of pre- and post-processor tools, and much more. 

This is a companion workshop to the IWFM Demand Calculator (IDC) Version 2015 workshop which is offered separately, and specifically concentrates on the land-surface and root zone component of IWFM. For more information and to register, please visit the CWEMF workshop registration page

Workshop Fee: $200 for CWEMF members; $400 for non-members; and $100 for students. (Pre-registration is requested.)

West Yost Associates Training Room, 2020 Research Park Drive, Suite 100, Davis, CA, 95618